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Say I compiled codeblocks but just want to relink against different libs (useful for mpatrol memory checker.  link against libmpatrol.a to enable and link against libmpalloc.a to disable..).  I don't see a way to do this with current codeblocks.  Is it possible to add a right click menu option that does something similar to touch (updates the timestamp)?  Would a recursive touch on all the object files in the project be enough to force relinking everything (I think so but not sure)?

So you want an additional item in the Compile / Build menu that says "Relink" and / or "Relink all" ?

Well I'm not sure this should go in the build menu or not.  Would it be confusing for users?  Don't think most ides have that.

You could just delete the output: exe, dll or whatnot (anything you want relinked).

oh true.  how about an explicit 'clean' and 'clean all' in the build menu?


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