Author Topic: Why are my buttons not looking properly?  (Read 3383 times)


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Why are my buttons not looking properly?
« on: June 10, 2008, 03:36:06 pm »
In my resource editor it says the buttons will look round, like the ones on the CB startup tips:

but when i make the file it shows up square:

i know that it's not my windows settings, many other apps have rounded buttons like that and display fine (codeblocks startup for example) but the apps i make with CB give me the square ones :S

help pls

Offline JGM

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Re: Why are my buttons not looking properly?
« Reply #1 on: June 10, 2008, 06:43:00 pm »
use the xp look and feel plugin, it generates a file that is needed to add xp style to applications also you can embed that file to your exe by using a resource file and adding this line:

1 24 "your_manifest_file.manifest"

If my memory is not bad that's the code. The 24 is the resource type and the 1 the identifier

Good Luck!  :wink: