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Linking dynamic library: devel\share\CodeBlocks\plugins\debugger.dllc:/mingw-tdm/bin/../lib/gcc/mingw32/4.3.0/../../../../bin/ld.exe: warning: auto-importing has been activated without --enable-auto-import specified on the command line.Info: resolving SquirrelVM::_VM by linking to __imp___ZN10SquirrelVM3_VME (auto-import)This should work unless it involves constant data structures referencing symbols from auto-imported DLLs..objs\plugins\debuggergdb\debuggergdb.o:debuggergdb.cpp:(.text$_ZN18ProjectLoaderHooks11HookFunctorI11DebuggerGDBEC1EPS1_MS1_FvP9cbProjectP12TiXmlElementbE[ProjectLoaderHooks::HookFunctor<DebuggerGDB>::HookFunctor(DebuggerGDB*, void (DebuggerGDB::*)(cbProject*, TiXmlElement*, bool))]+0x12): undefined reference to `__imp___ZTVN18ProjectLoaderHooks11HookFunctorI11DebuggerGDBEE'collect2: ld returned 1 exit statusProcess terminated with status 1 (22 minutes, 11 seconds)1 errors, 37 warnings
Index: src/include/projectloader_hooks.h===================================================================--- src/include/projectloader_hooks.h (revision 5106)+++ src/include/projectloader_hooks.h (working copy)@@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ * The isLoading argument is true if your hook is called when the project is being loaded, * and false when the project is saved. */- template<class T> class DLLIMPORT HookFunctor : public HookFunctorBase+ template<class T> class HookFunctor : public HookFunctorBase { public: typedef void (T::*Func)(cbProject*, TiXmlElement*, bool);Index: src/include/editor_hooks.h===================================================================--- src/include/editor_hooks.h (revision 5106)+++ src/include/editor_hooks.h (working copy)@@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ * The isLoading argument is true if your hook is called when the project is being loaded, * and false when the project is saved. */- template<class T> class DLLIMPORT HookFunctor : public HookFunctorBase+ template<class T> class HookFunctor : public HookFunctorBase { public: typedef void (T::*Func)(cbEditor*, wxScintillaEvent&);