Dear Mandrav,
I have uploaded two screenshots to make things clearer to everyone and for the ones who might want to help a little bit.

Here is the second screenshot:

Who's responsible for RPMs I do not know it

I would like your advice on that.
Also wxWidgets 2.8.4 is installed on my system and not 2.8.7 that should supposed to be. Though I don't personally think that..that could be the cause of this kind of issue but as I said before your advice would be taken for granted

You know better than me.
You are the man mate

Keep up the good work.
P.S: People, I would like your advice on a matter of knowledge. I would like to learn how "auto-completion" works, parsers, tokens, linkers, and so forth.
Is it auto-completion or code completion? For example if I press Ctrl+SPACE a drop-down menu appears. How to do call it under programming terms?
I call it just as it seems...a drop-down menu

Please guys...I would like your valuable feedback on that!