Yeah, but I like being able to put it where I want, and in the case of windows forms, anchoring it in place to fit proportions.
In wxSmith you can put things where you like to - just don't use sizers (or delete them when they're in new resources), resize window to desired size (without it, window will shrink to keep size minimal) and put items where you want to. But such mode is not natural for wxWidgets so items may behave strange. And you loose the dynamic position/size stuff (AFAIK wxWidgets don't provide any method alternative to sizers) and of course some portability aspects of the application.
Missing layout stuff you mentioned is not a problem of wxSmith or wxFormBuilder - it's design choice of wxWidgets and we simply try to write some editors following the specification. Of course there's possibility to add extra layouting stuff as some kind of addon but that's quite big task requiring time for research and coding.
I already thought about separating view from logic, about alternative layout style and few other things, I hope to implement it one day but will never achieve performance of 20+ coders.
well, I don't like wxformsbuilder anyway.
Well, everyone can have personal opinion. I tested wxFormBuilder some time ago and it looked quite good (must admit that in many aspects much better than wxSmith

). So I hope that you guys at wxFormBuilder team won't take indigo's words personally. Keep up the good work

This thing with gui designing style etc reminds me simillar problem when users switch from Windows to Linux. At the beginning they don't feel comfotable in new environment (I also wasn't an exception) which doesn't mean that Linux is worse than Windows. I know a person who started with linux and can't do anything in windows because it's just "strange".
Here's simillar problem - when you started with other gui systems, it may be hard to switch to wxWidgets - just because it is different.