User forums > Using Code::Blocks

wxscintilla & unicode

<< < (2/4) > >>

Yeah, I did that. I 'm not fully aware of the new unicode conventions for the project (I was away) so another dev will correct this hopefully.
In the meantime you can comment this block of code out so that compilation goes on. You 'll only notice something strange in the "Start here" page :P


I did:

--- Code: ---    buf << wxConvCurrent->cMB2WC(tmp);

--- End code ---

Someone let me know if that's wrong (compiles ok).

Is the makefile working for the wxDockit compile:

--- Code: ---Compiling resources...
mingw32-make: *** No rule to make target `..\wxDockit\lib\libwxdockit.a', needed
 by `devel/codeblocks.exe'.  Stop.

--- End code ---

i also did a unicode build first, to see if everything works as expected,
and corrected it this way :


--- Code: ---            buf << _U((const char*)tmp);
--- End code ---

and updated in cvs last night nearly midnight UTC (to version
so it should be available for all of you to update from cvs.

a diff can be found here:

Perfect thx.  You have no idea how many casts I tried :)

It builds now.  Running it looks ok except maybe the resources are odd (compile, rebuild buttons):


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