I have built a version 4700 from SVN (nice number !!), for Windows.
I ran it on Win 2k. As wobien told for svn 4698, double click on a .cbp file works again to start C::B.
I can then work normally. But when I quit C::B, i have an error message, telling me that my .cbp file (or one of it's component) cannot be found. Strange, but not new ! I have already seen that 2 or 3 months ago (or more ...).
This does not happen if codecompletion is disabled or if I use a "dummy" plugin deliberately provoking a warning at start, as I suggested in a previous post.
PS : Oups ! I spoke too fast. On my old PC at work with Win 2K, svn 4700 works as described. But on a newer one, at home, with Win XP, nothing is changed, double click still does not work, but no error messages when quiting !!!