For historical purposes, the bug is still there...
I'm not able to tell exactly when c::b loses track for which target gdb should start but it's trying to start the Release version when we've selected Debug target, even if we (when I say we is because the bug already happened to two colleagues that use c::b) restart c::b it's trying to start the wrong target (as you can see in the previous post, you can check the full debugger log) and switching targets and building again will solve the problem.
I'm using Code::Blocks 8.02 Build: Feb 27 2008, 20:59:09 - wx2.8.7 (Windows, unicode)
The following plugins are activated:
Code completion (0.7)
Code snippets (1.2.113 2008/01/24)
Compiler (0.99)
Debugger (0.3)
Environment Variables (0.97)
Files extension handler (1.0)
Keyboard shortcuts (1.0.46 2008/02/12)
Open files list (1.0)
Scripted Wizard (0.
Symbol Table Plugin (1.0)
ThreadSearch (1.5)
OS: Windows XP Pro SP2
Intel Core 2 Duo 6400