Author Topic: The 13 august 2007 build (4368) is out.  (Read 15801 times)

Offline killerbot

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The 13 august 2007 build (4368) is out.
« on: August 13, 2007, 06:35:47 pm »
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A link to the unicode windows wxWidget dll for Code::Blocks :

For those who might need this one (when no MingW installed on your system) : the mingw10m.dll :

The 13 August 2007 build is out.
  - Windows :
  - Linux : (not yet) (not yet) (not yet)

Resolved Fixed:

  • KeyBinder 1.0.42 2007/08/12 : Change AddPendingEvent() to ProcessEvent() in wxMenuCmd::Exec() to avoid crashes when secondary command key would close editors wx284
  • Fixed: C::B can't detect a file with UTF-32LE (with BOM) encoding

Regressions/Confirmed/Annoying/Common bugs:

  • toolbar-images-not-changing-state (is a wx problem/Win XP problem)

« Last Edit: August 13, 2007, 09:22:11 pm by killerbot »

Offline Xaviou

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Re: The 13 august 2007 build (4368) is out.
« Reply #1 on: August 13, 2007, 07:41:49 pm »
Ubuntu 6.10 & 7.04 Amd64 tar.gz archive (containing '.deb' installers builds with wx284) can be found here.
My wxWidgets's stuff :

Offline pasgui

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Re: The 13 august 2007 build (4368) is out.
« Reply #2 on: August 13, 2007, 07:49:57 pm »
Build for Ubuntu 7.04 i386 can be found here

Offline san

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Re: The 13 august 2007 build (4368) is out.
« Reply #3 on: August 14, 2007, 01:26:16 am »
Build for Ubuntu 7.04 i386 can be found here

Thanks for you repository.. it makes updating even more smooth :P

only the download is a bit slow ;)

Offline Steven 'lazalong'

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Re: The 13 august 2007 build (4368) is out.
« Reply #4 on: August 14, 2007, 08:20:01 am »
Could it be possible to have the highlighting for the "Preprocessor" dependent on its scope?

For example on a Win32 platform

   #ifdef PLATFORM==WIN32
      #define THAT

      #define THIS

On linux, macos, etc. you would have :

   #ifdef PLATFORM==WIN32
      #define THAT
      #define THIS

Of course, the #defines in the project build options should also be taken into account.

I didn't see this as a feature request... but perhaps I didn't check it correctly.


Offline killerbot

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Re: The 13 august 2007 build (4368) is out.
« Reply #5 on: August 14, 2007, 09:16:59 am »
file it as a feature request. M$ has this but they have it because they use the compiler for code completion, and as such they know which ones are active. Rather difficult !

Offline Steven 'lazalong'

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Re: The 13 august 2007 build (4368) is out.
« Reply #6 on: August 14, 2007, 09:56:23 am »
file it as a feature request. M$ has this but they have it because they use the compiler for code completion, and as such they know which ones are active. Rather difficult !
Ok - done

Offline thomas

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Re: The 13 august 2007 build (4368) is out.
« Reply #7 on: August 14, 2007, 12:09:37 pm »
Don't be disappointed if this takes a long time to be implemented, or if it is never implemented, though.

It would take considerable work to be implemented, and it would take considerable CPU time at runtime, too. It is easier for Microsoft to do that, because they only support one compiler architecture which has been designed for that purpose, too.

For us, it means that we would have to keep two copies of the text, filter it through the preprocessor (which requires executing an external process), and do a binary comparison of the two to figure out the differences (which is tough).
Or, we would have to create a pseudo-sourcefile on the fly that contains all preprocessor commands of the original and that conditionally enables/disables marker textblocks via the preprocessor (again, by launching an external process).
This would have to be done after every edit, unless we add a parser that detects whether a preprocessor directive was changed, too.
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Offline raph

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Re: The 13 august 2007 build (4368) is out.
« Reply #8 on: August 14, 2007, 03:30:31 pm »
Giving codecompletion an basic c preprocessor would improve its quality (e.g. WinAPI functions could be parsed then).
Cc could give scintillas syntax highlighting some hints (e.g. give a variable an unique color etc).

Offline byo

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Re: The 13 august 2007 build (4368) is out.
« Reply #9 on: August 14, 2007, 08:29:23 pm »
Giving codecompletion an basic c preprocessor would improve its quality (e.g. WinAPI functions could be parsed then).
Cc could give scintillas syntax highlighting some hints (e.g. give a variable an unique color etc).

AFAIK CC have basic preprocessor, the problem is that wxScintilla doesn't allow generating really custom lexers - you choose one of predefined which can be used for given language and customize it (add special identifiers etc).
To add extra colourising (like changing colour of identifiers) we would have to make big code changes into wxScintilla code. That would be really great because of all the features it would introduce, but it may be some harder task.


Offline foomaster

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Re: The 13 august 2007 build (4368) is out.
« Reply #10 on: August 14, 2007, 08:42:59 pm »
why not work with a file that is in memory? then use a simple parser and a manager to track each of the defined macros and their values. after that the manger can easily determine which symbols and parts of the file to keep in memory and pass them to the code completion plug-in? this way the program would use less memory for small projects and more for really large ones and actual files would be used when the users saves them. for larger projects a manager to keep track of the active project parts would greatly reduce the memory which is used. the latter could be implemented by keeping a dependency tree for each file and freeing the memory for the unused files. this manager, of course, would be active only when a given number of symbols is defined or a given total number of lines is reached, or a given amount of memory for parsing is used. this is just an idea and requires a lot of work, but certainly is not impossible.

ps and a code completion cache would be necessary in this case, but you are probably using one, so it would need only slight modifications.
« Last Edit: August 15, 2007, 08:49:19 am by foomaster »

Offline Steven 'lazalong'

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Re: The 13 august 2007 build (4368) is out.
« Reply #11 on: August 15, 2007, 02:44:16 am »
This would have to be done after every edit, unless we add a parser that detects whether a preprocessor directive was changed, too.
If it is very cpu expensive it could be implemented as an add-on that you call on-demand.
I don't change my #defines and compiler options all the time so I don't need it to be highlighted all the time. I need it when I come across a new library containing extensive preprocessor code in its .h

If M$ uses his compiler to do it perhaps you can use the available compiler by this on-demand feature.
(Just a wild idea: no idea how to implement it.)

No problem if this takes a long time to implement :D