Hallo mandrav and others,
I just tried the 25.07 nightly build SVN 4321.
I choose TCP connection for my gdb JTAG server (OpenOCD)
and added some commands:
monitor arm7_9 sw_bkpts enable
thbreak main
I removed these from the general 'Settings/Compiler and Debugger' tab of course.
This is my Debugger(debug) output:

Command-line: D:\Programme\yagarto\bin\arm-elf-gdb.exe -nx -fullname -quiet -args ehzgw.elf
Working dir : D:\Projekte\ehzgw\
> set prompt >>>>>>cb_gdb:
(gdb) >>>>>>cb_gdb:
> show version
GNU gdb
.......... snip .............
> directory D:/Projekte/ehzgw/
> monitor arm7_9 sw_bkpts enable
"monitor" command not supported by this target.
> thbreak main
No hardware breakpoint support in the target.
> load
You can't do that when your target is `exec'
> continue
The program is not being run.
> target remote tcp:localhost:3333
0x10002130 in ?? ()
> quit
GDB crashes here (or quit).
I don't understand the line
'target remote tcp:localhost:3333'
If this is the command send to gdb than is 'tcp' correct here?
I would expect that my commands to be executed 'after'
the remote connection is established.
But it seems like the commands are send before?
How do you want to split settings between global
and project dependent?
I think the global under 'Settings/Compiler and Debugger' is obsolete
as debugging settings are project specific now?
BTW. I'm missing a stop (break) button for halting execution of target.
As I think the red 'Stop' button shuts down gdb?