I'm trying to setup C::B for remote debugging and compilation. Well, currently, I'm using a custom makefile that sends the make comands through ssh to the remote machine. With this, I can compile and clean the application. For running it remotely, I've added a little script that executes remotely the application (#!/bin/bash ssh -C ps3 -p 43210 'cd programming && ./cellTest') in Project Properties->Build Targets->Output Filename (I dont know if there are a better way of doing this). This works good for EXECUTING the application, but for debugging.
For debugging I use gdbserver in the remote machine and I've configured succesfully the gdb custom client in C::B, but here is where lies my problem. C::B launches internally the gdb client with the 'program' I've placed in the Output Filename textbox, and of course, it doesn't work, because gdb must use the real binary (in this case ./cellTest in the remote machine)
The question is, how can I set the correct executable for C::B's gdb call and the ssh command for remote execution?
Best regards,