Author Topic: Pending breakpoints for debugging plugins?  (Read 12673 times)

Offline rickg22

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Pending breakpoints for debugging plugins?
« on: August 01, 2005, 05:43:36 pm »
What I do to debug C::B plugins is:

1) open app.cpp, position the cursor on HideSplashScreen() in CodeBlocksApp::InitFrame() (currently line 180)
2) press F4 (starts debugging and breaks on the above line).

When it breaks, the plugins have loaded so any breakpoints you set in plugins, will be valid.
Debug :)


I was wondering. Wouldn't it be a good idea to have a list of "pending" breakpoints (those which couldn't be set due to the location not found) so, at every program pause (breakpoint, run to cursor) C::B would try to reactivate them? And when one or more of these are effectively set, we could get a nice info box saying "The following breakpoints have been activated: program, line."

This would save us from the trouble of having to set breakpoints AFTER starting the program. What do you think Yiannis? Is it realizable (so I can submit a RFE)?

Offline mandrav

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Re: Pending breakpoints for debugging plugins?
« Reply #1 on: August 01, 2005, 08:23:29 pm »
This would save us from the trouble of having to set breakpoints AFTER starting the program. What do you think Yiannis? Is it realizable (so I can submit a RFE)?
Sure, submit a RFE about it.
On a sidenote, I personally use F4 a lot (run to cursor) instead of using breakpoints...

Be patient!
This bug will be fixed soon...