User forums > Using Code::Blocks

Compilation successfull but cant start.

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Maybe it's not a good idea to do it automatically. If you write some bugs while developing with the /output version and hit compile, you will never be able to make it work back after the update. This should be called manually IMHO.

Or better separate in the update
- the copy/zip of the resources
- the copy to output dir

maybe update-res and update-out and update-res called automatically.

Yes, but if you write some bugs in the source, then you are going to need a backup of that source anyway to revert to.  So just build that version...

Not exactly a backup but a bug fix. And that's not really the same for me :p

OK, so CVS HEAD does not run update automatically (but I like it better this way.  it's easy enough to select the update target and hit compile...and this way it's easier to isolate bugs as the edit/compile cycle is shorter).  If you do want it to run auto, then edit project->properties update target and set it to 'build this target with "all"'.


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