The recent post about cut/copy/paste crashes when designing in wxSmith has made me wonder about a missing a feature in wxSmith...
I seem to remember in the previous wxSmith design that the control order could be changed by dragging the controls to a different position on the Resources tree in the Management window. This "feature" is missing in the current version. While I realize that I can drag the controls in the design view, sometimes this doesn't work as expected. Cut/Paste sometimes does the trick but not always.
My problem usually comes up when I realize that I should have an additional sizer box to re-group my controls. The real problem is that when a wxBoxSizer is dropped in the designer, it's size is "0" so there is no way to drag my existing controls/sizers into this new sizer. Worse yet is trying to drop controls into a sizer containing existing controls as the order of the controls as dropped is never what I want so I wind up dropping the controls several times to "rotate" them to their position. I have also edited the .wxs file to achieve the correct order.
I must be missing something obvious... Or there needs to be a feature request...
I guess this
bug report (#5358) is related