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Compiling Code::Blocks ?!

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--- Quote from: zieQ ---I finally found out what was the problem, I was lacking zip.exe for the update.bat. I downloaded UnxUtils, hope this will work now (i can't test it for now)

Maybe somebody could update the wiki and/or the readme files since they are clearly out-of-date !
--- End quote ---

Thanks for the tip, zieQ.
The next release (with the mingw bundle) will contain zip.exe to avoid the fuss ;)



--- Quote from: mandrav ---Thanks for the tip, zieQ.
The next release (with the mingw bundle) will contain zip.exe to avoid the fuss ;)
--- End quote ---

Hope you'll also change the mingw version or at least ship mingw32-make with CB :wink:  You know I had some problems compiling wxWindows with "make" !

I still can't compile final 1.0 beta but no problem for version 1.0 now !

Oh no! With the working update.bat, I'm still not able to run the version 1.0. No problem with the head.  :shock:

zieQ: Try compiling the version 1.0 with wxwidgets 2.4.2. Don't lose hope, you're so close to fix that bug!


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