Author Topic: Research for a Subversion plugin that works in windows and Linux.  (Read 27631 times)

Offline yop

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Re: Research for a Subversion plugin that works in windows and Linux.
« Reply #30 on: July 24, 2007, 09:11:56 pm »
I won't argue, both are excellent tools. It's a matter of taste I guess. Offline commits are a dream, especially if  you travel a lot like me and have to do stuff on the road. Anyway I 'm attatching some samples:

1. nothing in the repository
2. all inside, not commited
3. all commited, main.cpp changed Makefile.Release deleted

When there are no pending changes hg status reports nothing back.

[attachment deleted by admin]
Life would be so much easier if we could just look at the source code.

Offline dmoore

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Re: Research for a Subversion plugin that works in windows and Linux.
« Reply #31 on: July 24, 2007, 10:15:02 pm »
done. let me know if i have all the icons straight. EDIT: looks like ignored files aren't shown by default, will have to come up with a workaround.

note that the hg, bzr and svn commands are all hardcoded and must be in the path. it's also slow as hell to expand directories right now as i haven't attempted to optimize anything. ideally I should tap directly into the c/python api's of each VCS...
« Last Edit: July 24, 2007, 10:25:56 pm by dmoore »

Offline dmoore

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Re: Research for a Subversion plugin that works in windows and Linux.
« Reply #32 on: July 26, 2007, 05:55:45 pm »
has anyone tested the latest (or a recent) revision of my ShellExtension plugin to see if SVN/Mercurial/Bazaar(/CVS -- it has major issues) file state images appear correctly in their FileExplorer? If so, feedback is needed:
* Is this feature of the plugin useful? (I realize some people would rather work in the projects pane, but working at the filesystem level has its benefits)
* what bugs/issues do you have?
* what additional features would you like to see?
* I'm hoping to move large chunks of the plugin into an api so people can plug in their own filestate population routines to support arbitrary VCS (or SCM if you prefer) using either the VCS APIs or command line tools.

Keep in mind that this is just one tool of the suite of tools required for a fully featured VCS gui (e.g. we need conflict resolution tools, revision browsers, diff viewers etc - not all of these need to be native in CB, but they should be launchable from CB)

(PS: The latest rev lets you switch on or off which VCS are polled to speed things up a bit, but more performance improvements coming soon.)

Offline darthdespotism

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Re: Research for a Subversion plugin that works in windows and Linux.
« Reply #33 on: September 04, 2007, 08:58:01 pm »
Last time I looked for this there wasn't much but i seem to have missed a lot.

I tried to build and install the ShellExt Plugin on my Ubuntu Box and I did get it to compile correctly, but I can't install it as I don't get a .cbplugin file. I tried to look for this in the wiki but didn't found anything useful.

Can you tell me how to install the Plugin? I do have the .zip and the .so

Offline dmoore

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Re: Research for a Subversion plugin that works in windows and Linux.
« Reply #34 on: September 04, 2007, 09:14:43 pm »
Can you tell me how to install the Plugin? I do have the .zip and the .so

not having ubuntu in front of me right now to verify, it should be enough to just copy the .zip and .so to /usr/share/CodeBlocks and /usr/share/CodeBlocks/plugins, respectively (assuming you have built ShellExt against your hand compiled CB and that I have given you the correct locations :) )

Offline darthdespotism

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Re: Research for a Subversion plugin that works in windows and Linux.
« Reply #35 on: September 04, 2007, 09:51:08 pm »
OK if this should be enough than maybe not being able to start or use this plugin is caused by this error Codeblocks mentions while starting. I should look out for the logs ...

btw: the locations are correct but should be spelled in lowercase ;)

For this Plugin to work with Linux you need to make the .zip lowercase just as the .so.

When doing so it is found by Codeblocks. No functionality tested yet
« Last Edit: September 04, 2007, 10:16:56 pm by darthdespotism »