Currently the Arrows and spacing of the project tree are to spread for me.
so in the projectmanager.h i added
///Set Project Tree Open Folder indentation
void SetTreeIndent(int n){m_pTree->SetIndent(n);RebuildTree();}
///Set Project Arror spacing
void SetTreeSpacing(int n){m_pTree->SetSpacing(n);RebuildTree();}
///Get Project Tree Open Folder indentation
int GetTreeIndent(){m_pTree->GetIndent();}
///Get Project Arror spacing
int GetTreeSpacing(){m_pTree->GetSpacing();}
but since the project manage really is focused one projects and that is something that would be global
im not sure where to put the code that sets it and what catagorie to put it under.
This picture is with defaults settings

This picture is with these settings