Author Topic: [Bug] with keyboard shortcuts (svn 3681 - linux kubuntu edge)  (Read 12373 times)

Offline idhan

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if I modify the shortcuts on Configure Editor->Shortcuts ionly only they work in the current session, if I restart code::block the settings are the default settings again.
It will be also great if I can create a shortcut for Edit->Folding->Fold All-Unfold All. Unfortunately this possibility isn't in "Shortcuts".

I am moving from Visual Studio 2005 Professional to Code::blocks linux and is just great. I think the official release will be just outstanding. Very good job!!!


« Last Edit: March 15, 2007, 12:21:23 am by idhan »

Offline Pecan

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Re: bug with keyboard shortcuts (svn 3645 - linux kubuntu)
« Reply #1 on: March 14, 2007, 02:08:50 pm »

if I modify the shortcuts on Configure Editor->Shortcuts ionly only they work in the current session, if I restart code::block the settings are the default settings again.
It will be also great if I can create a shortcut for Edit->Folding->Fold All-Unfold All. Unfortunately this possibility isn't in "Shortcuts".

I am moving from Visual Studio 2005 Professional to Code::blocks linux and is just great. I think the official release will be just outstanding. Very good job!!!



   //-- Please Provide more information
   Would you state your CodeBlocks and compiler version, and your Operating System.
   Also state  your wxWidgets version if you're using one.

Would you give us a step-by-step description of how to re-create this problem.

Offline idhan

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Re: bug with keyboard shortcuts (svn 3645 - linux kubuntu)
« Reply #2 on: March 14, 2007, 02:35:57 pm »

   //-- Please Provide more information
   Would you state your CodeBlocks and compiler version, and your Operating System.
   Also state  your wxWidgets version if you're using one.

- I have install code::blocks svn 3645 ubuntu debian package (I think is the last version).
- linux-kubuntu edge 6.10
- libwxgtk2.6-0 (adept additional information - / installed version GTK+ runtime)

I'am using for my programs wxwidget with code::blocks

Would you give us a step-by-step description of how to re-create this problem.

- Open any saved project.
- Modify some shortcuts on Settings->Editor->Keyboard Shortcuts
  - new shortcut: edit->save project (control+D)
  - remove shortcut: edit->save (current: Control+S)
  -  new shortcut: edit->save all files (Control+S)
-Accept new settings
-Close the program
-Open the program (new settings are always the default settings).

if any information is missing please let me know about it.
If you are going to solve this problem, can you include Edit->Folding->Fold All-Unfold All as shortcuts?? I will appreciate that :-)



« Last Edit: March 14, 2007, 03:00:04 pm by idhan »

Offline idhan

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Re: bug with keyboard shortcuts (svn 3645 - linux kubuntu)
« Reply #3 on: March 14, 2007, 03:10:01 pm »
I have update code::blocks to svn 3681 (same computer), and the error is still there.

Offline Pecan

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Re: bug with keyboard shortcuts (svn 3681 - linux kubuntu edge)
« Reply #4 on: March 14, 2007, 08:27:32 pm »
It works fine on my Linux with wx2.6.3

I don't use wx2.8 yet. CodeBlocks does not yet support it.
There must be something in wx2.8 that won't let Keybinder override normal menu accelerator usage.

« Last Edit: March 14, 2007, 08:33:28 pm by Pecan »

Offline TDragon

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Re: bug with keyboard shortcuts (svn 3681 - linux kubuntu edge)
« Reply #5 on: March 14, 2007, 08:35:28 pm »
I don't use wx2.8 yet. CodeBlocks does not yet support it.
As a note to idhan: This only means that C::B is not yet officially supported to be built itself using wx 2.8; as a result of Biplab's wizardry (pun intended), C::B is quite capable of being used to develop your own programs that use 2.8.

Since your post made it clear that the correct version (2.6) of libwxgtk2.6 is installed, it's unclear where the source of your problem is, but unlikely that the version of libwxgtk is the issue. - TDM-GCC compiler suite for Windows (GCC 9.2.0 2020-03-08, 32/64-bit, no extra DLLs)

Offline Pecan

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Re: bug with keyboard shortcuts (svn 3681 - linux kubuntu edge)
« Reply #6 on: March 14, 2007, 08:39:41 pm »
Ok, now I'm confused.

Are you using wx2.8 or wx2.6.3 to compile Codeblocks?

Offline Pecan

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Re: bug with keyboard shortcuts (svn 3681 - linux kubuntu edge)
« Reply #7 on: March 14, 2007, 09:40:46 pm »

I've been thinking about this. It sounds like KeyBinder cannot write the .ini file. So your key definitions last only for the current session.

Do you have write permissions to your CodeBlocks directory?

Is there, inadvertently, a file name cbKeyBinder10.ini in the CodeBlocks execution directory?

Would you please post your cbKeyBinder10.ini file so I can run it on my system to try and get the error.

In what directory did you find your cbKeyBinder10.ini file?

« Last Edit: March 14, 2007, 09:48:28 pm by Pecan »

Offline idhan

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Re: bug with keyboard shortcuts (svn 3681 - linux kubuntu edge)
« Reply #8 on: March 14, 2007, 10:04:49 pm »

Do you have write permissions to your CodeBlocks directory?

Is there, inadvertently, a file name cbKeyBinder10.ini in the CodeBlocks execution directory?

Would you please post your cbKeyBinder10.ini file so I can run it on my system to try and get the error.

Would you please post your cbKeyBinder10.ini file so I can run it on my system to try and get the error.

desc=Our primary keyprofile
bind1009-type4660=Build|Build current project|Ctrl-F9|
bind1013-type4660=Build options|Set the project's build options|
bind1016-type4660=Compile current file|Compile current file|Ctrl-Shift-F9|
bind1018-type4660=Rebuild|Rebuild current project|Ctrl-F11|
bind1021-type4660=Build workspace|Build all projects in workspace|
bind1022-type4660=Rebuild workspace|Rebuild all projects in workspace|
bind1023-type4660=Clean|Clean current project|
bind1024-type4660=Clean workspace|Clean current project (dependencies too)|
bind1027-type4660=Build and run|Build and run current project|F9|
bind1028-type4660=Run|Run current project|Ctrl-F10|
bind1029-type4660=Abort|Abort the running build process|
bind1030-type4660=Select target...||
bind1031-type4660=Next error|Go to next compilation error|Alt-F2|
bind1032-type4660=Previous error|Go to previous compilation error|Alt-F1|
bind1033-type4660=Clear all errors|Clear all compilation errors|
bind1034-type4660=Export Makefile|Export Makefile so that you can build the program from the command line|
bind1079-type4660=Start|Run current project in debugger|F8|
bind1080-type4660=Run to cursor|Run program until it reaches the current line|F4|
bind1081-type4660=Next line|Execute the next line of code|F7|
bind1082-type4660=Step into|Execute the next line of code, but step inside functions|Shift-F7|
bind1083-type4660=Next instruction|Execute the next assembly instruction|Alt-F7|
bind1084-type4660=Step out|Continue execution until the current frame exits|Ctrl-Shift-F7|
bind1085-type4660=Stop debugger|Stop current debugging session|
bind1086-type4660=Continue|Continue execution until next breakpoint or program exits|Ctrl-F7|
bind1087-type4660=Toggle breakpoint|Toggle breakpoint in current line|F5|
bind1088-type4660=Send user command to debugger|Sends a user-defined command to the debugger|
bind1089-type4660=Add symbol file|Adds symbols from another file|
bind1090-type4660=Disassembly|Disassembles the current stack frame|
bind1091-type4660=CPU Registers|Display the CPU registers|
bind1092-type4660=Watches|Watch variables|
bind1093-type4660=Call stack|Displays the current call stack|
bind1094-type4660=Running threads|Displays the currently running threads and allows switching between them|
bind1095-type4660=Examine memory|Displays the contents of a memory location|
bind1096-type4660=Breakpoints|Edit breakpoints|
bind1097-type4660=Edit watches...|Edit watches|
bind1098-type4660=Attach to process...|Attach to an external running process|
bind1099-type4660=Detach|Detach from running process|
bind1102-type4660=Current stack frame|Displays info about the current (selected) stack frame|
bind1103-type4660=Loaded libraries|List dynamically loaded libraries (DLL/SO)|
bind1104-type4660=Targets and files|Displays info on the targets and files being debugged|
bind1105-type4660=FPU status|Displays the status of the floating point unit|
bind1106-type4660=Signal handling|Displays how the debugger handles various signals|
bind1124-type4660=To-Do list|Toggle displaying the To-Do list|
bind1150-type4660=Code snippets||
bind1202-type4660=As HTML...|Exports the current file to HTML|
bind1203-type4660=As RTF...|Exports the current file to RTF|
bind1204-type4660=As ODT...|Exports the current file to ODT|
bind1205-type4660=As PDF...|Exports the current file to PDF|
bind1417-type4660=Configure wxSmith for current project||
bind1418-type4660=Class wizard||
bind1419-type4660=Class wizard||
bind1420-type4660=Source code formatter (AStyle)||
bind1421-type4660=Source code formatter (AStyle)||
bind1428-type4660=Code completion||
bind1430-type4660=Code completion||
bind1431-type4660=Files extension handler||
bind1573-type4660=Debugging windows||
bind1576-type4660=Scripted wizard||
bind1577-type4660=To-Do List||
bind1578-type4660=BYO Games||
bind1579-type4660=BYO Games||
bind1580-type4660=Koders query||
bind1581-type4660=Koders query||
bind1582-type4660=Code snippets||
bind1583-type4660=Code statistics||
bind1584-type4660=Code statistics||
bind1586-type4660=Environment variables||
bind1587-type4660=Help plugin||
bind1588-type4660=Keyboard shortcuts||
bind1589-type4660=Library finder||
bind1590-type4660=Library finder||
bind1591-type4660=Code profiler||
bind1592-type4660=Code profiler||
bind1593-type4660=Source Exporter||
bind1594-type4660=Symbol Table Plugin||
bind1595-type4660=Symbol Table Plugin||
bind1596-type4660=Regular expressions testbed||
bind1597-type4660=Regular expressions testbed||
bind1598-type4660=wxSmith - MIME plugin||
bind1599-type4660=Add wxPanel||
bind1600-type4660=Add wxFrame||
bind1601-type4660=Add wxDialog||
bind1603-type4660=Code::Blocks default|Switch to Code::Blocks default layout|
bind188-type4660=Add files...|Add files to the project|
bind189-type4660=Add files recursively...|Add files recursively to the project|
bind192-type4660=Remove files...|Remove files from the project|
bind199-type4660=Goto file...||Alt-G|
bind200-type4660=Set programs' arguments...|Set execution parameters for the targets of this project|
bind201-type4660=Categorize by file types||
bind202-type4660=Display folders as on disk||
bind203-type4660=Edit file types  categories...||
bind204-type4660=Activate next project|Activate next project in open projects list|Alt-F6|
bind205-type4660=Activate prior project|Activate prior project in open projects list|Alt-F5|
bind206-type4660=Project tree||
bind207-type4660=Move project up|Move project up in project tree|Ctrl-Shift-UP|
bind208-type4660=Move project down|Move project down in project tree|Ctrl-Shift-DOWN|
bind5013-type4660=About...|About Code::Blocks|
bind685-type4660=1 /home/idhan/Desktop/Thesis/Thesis.cbp||
bind686-type4660=2 /home/idhan/Desktop/testwx/testwx.cbp||
bind696-type4660=New|Create a new project/file/target/other (wizard)|
bind697-type4660=Empty file|Quickly create a new empty file|Ctrl-Shift-N|
bind698-type4660=Project|Create a new project|
bind699-type4660=Build target|Create a new build target for the active project|
bind700-type4660=File|Create a new file|
bind701-type4660=Custom|Create a new custom something :-)|
bind702-type4660=From user template|Create a new project based on a previously saved user template|
bind703-type4660=Open|Open a file or project|Ctrl-O|
bind705-type4660=Clear history|Clear the recent files list|
bind706-type4660=Clear history|Clear the recent projects list|
bind707-type4660=Dev-C++ project|Import an existing Dev-C++ project|
bind708-type4660=MS Visual C++ project|Import an existing MS Visual C++ project|
bind709-type4660=MS Visual C++ workspace|Import an existing MS Visual C++ workspace|
bind710-type4660=MS Visual Studio project|Import an existing MS Visual Studio project|
bind711-type4660=MS Visual Studio solution|Import an existing MS Visual Studio solution|
bind712-type4660=Save|Save the active file|
bind713-type4660=Save as...|Save the active file under a different name|
bind715-type4660=Save project|Save active project|Ctrl-P|
bind716-type4660=Save project as...|Save active project under a different name|
bind717-type4660=Save all projects|Save all modified projects|
bind718-type4660=Save project as user-template|Keep this project as a user-template to base new projects on|
bind719-type4660=Open default workspace|Open the default workspace|
bind720-type4660=Save workspace|Save current workspace|
bind721-type4660=Save workspace as...|Save current workspace under a different name|
bind722-type4660=Close workspace|Close current workspace|
bind723-type4660=Close file|Close the active file|Ctrl-W|
bind724-type4660=Close all files|Close all open files|Ctrl-Shift-W|
bind725-type4660=Close project|Close active project|
bind726-type4660=Close all projects|Close all opened projects|
bind729-type4660=Quit|Exit Code::Blocks|Ctrl-Q|
bind732-type4660=Undo|Undo the last editing operation|Ctrl-Z|
bind733-type4660=Redo|Redo the last editing operation|Ctrl-Shift-Z|
bind734-type4660=Copy|Copy selected text to clipboard|Ctrl-C|
bind735-type4660=Cut|Copy selected text to clipboard and erase it|Ctrl-X|
bind736-type4660=Paste|Paste text from clipboard|Ctrl-V|
bind737-type4660=Swap header/source|Swap between header and source file pair|F11|Ctrl-H|
bind738-type4660=Goto matching brace|Moves the caret to the matching brace (if any)|Ctrl-Shift-B|
bind739-type4660=Highlight mode|Switch highlighting mode for the active editor|
bind740-type4660=Plain text|Switch highlighting mode for current document to "Plain text"|
bind742-type4660=Toggle bookmark|Toggle a bookmark for the current position|Ctrl-B|
bind743-type4660=Goto previous bookmark|Goto previous bookmark|Alt-PgUp|
bind744-type4660=Goto next bookmark|Goto next bookmark|Alt-PgDn|
bind746-type4660=Fold all|Fold all|
bind747-type4660=Unfold all|Unfold all|
bind748-type4660=Toggle all folds|Toggle all folds|Shift-F12|
bind749-type4660=Fold current block|Fold current block|
bind750-type4660=Unfold current block|Unfold current block|
bind751-type4660=Toggle current block|Toggle folding of current block|F12|
bind752-type4660=End-of-line mode||
bind753-type4660=CR  LF|End-of-line mode uses carriage return and line feed|
bind754-type4660=CR|End-of-line mode uses carriage return only|
bind755-type4660=LF|End-of-line mode uses line feed only|
bind756-type4660=File encoding||
bind757-type4660=System default|Use the system default encoding|
bind758-type4660=Save byte-order-mark (BOM)|Save the Unicode encoding in a BOM|
bind759-type4660=ASCII (ISO-8859-1)|Use the ISO-8859-1 character encoding|
bind760-type4660=UTF-7|Use the UTF-7 character encoding|
bind761-type4660=UTF-8|Use the UTF-8 character encoding|
bind762-type4660=Unicode default|Use the system default Unicode character encoding|
bind763-type4660=Native UTF-16|Use the native UTF-16 character encoding|
bind764-type4660=Native UTF-32|Use the native UTF-32 character encoding|
bind765-type4660=Unicode 16-bit big-endian|Use the Unicode 16-bit big-endian multi-byte encoding|
bind766-type4660=Unicode 16-bit little-endian|Use the Unicode 16-bit little-endian multi-byte encoding|
bind767-type4660=Unicode 32-bit big-endian|Use the Unicode 32-bit big-endian multi-byte encoding|
bind768-type4660=Unicode 32-bit little-endian|Use the Unicode 32-bit little-endian multi-byte encoding|
bind769-type4660=Special commands|Commands to edit more efficiently, should be bound to hotkeys|
bind771-type4660=Paragraph up|Move caret one paragraph up|
bind772-type4660=Paragraph up, extending selection|Move caret one paragraph up and extend the selection|
bind773-type4660=Paragraph down|Move caret one paragraph down|
bind774-type4660=Paragraph down, extending selection|Move caret one paragraph down while extend the selection|
bind775-type4660=Wordpart left|Move caret one wordpart to the left|
bind776-type4660=Wordpart left, extending selection|Move caret one wordpart to the left and extend the selection|
bind777-type4660=Wordpart right|Move caret one wordpart to the right|
bind778-type4660=Wordpart right, extending selection|Move caret one wordpart to the right and extend the selection|
bind780-type4660=In|Increase font size|
bind781-type4660=Out|Decrease font size|
bind782-type4660=Reset|Set default font size|
bind784-type4660=Cut|Cut current line|
bind785-type4660=Delete|Delete current line|
bind786-type4660=Duplicate|Duplicate current line|
bind787-type4660=Transpose|Transpose current line with previous line|
bind788-type4660=Copy|Copy current line|
bind789-type4660=Paste|Paste before current line|
bind791-type4660=Uppercase|Make selection uppercase|
bind792-type4660=Lowercase|Make selection lowercase|
bind793-type4660=Select all|Selects the entire text range|Ctrl-A|
bind794-type4660=Comment|Comments the selected block of code|Ctrl-Shift-C|
bind795-type4660=Uncomment|Uncomments the selected block of code|Ctrl-Shift-X|
bind796-type4660=Toggle comment|Toggles the commentation of the selected block of code|
bind797-type4660=Auto-complete|Auto-completes the word under the caret (nothing to do with code-completion plugins)|Ctrl-J|
bind798-type4660=Delete current|Delete current layout|
bind799-type4660=Save current|Save current layout|
bind801-type4660=Main|Show/hide main toolbar|
bind802-type4660=Manager|Show/hide manager|Shift-F2|
bind803-type4660=Open files list|Show/hide open files list|
bind804-type4660=Messages|Show/hide messages|F2|
bind805-type4660=Status bar|Show/hide status bar|
bind806-type4660=Script console|Show/hide the script console|
bind807-type4660=Focus editor|Set focus on the active editor|Ctrl-Alt-E|
bind808-type4660=FullScreen|Switch to FullScreen view|
bind809-type4660=Find...|Search for text|Ctrl-F|
bind810-type4660=Find in Files|Search for text|Ctrl-Shift-F|
bind811-type4660=Find next|Repeat the last search in the same direction|F3|
bind812-type4660=Find previous|Repeat the last search in the opposite direction|Shift-F3|
bind813-type4660=Replace|Find and replace text|Ctrl-R|
bind814-type4660=Replace in Files|Find and replace text|Ctrl-Shift-R|
bind815-type4660=Goto line...|Goto a specific line|Ctrl-G|
bind816-type4660=Environment|Change environment settings|
bind817-type4660=Global variables|Change global compiler variables|
bind818-type4660=Editor|Change editor's settings|
bind819-type4660=Compiler and debugger|Change compiler and debugger settings|
bind820-type4660=Manage plugins|Enable or disable plugins for the next session|
bind821-type4660=Scripting|Change scripting settings|
bind822-type4660=Tips|Tips on using Code::Blocks|
bind849-type4660=Recent projects|Open a recent project|
bind850-type4660=Recent files|Open a recent file|
bind851-type4660=Import project||
bind853-type4660=AngelScript|Switch highlighting mode for current document to "AngelScript"|
bind854-type4660=Batch|Switch highlighting mode for current document to "Batch"|
bind855-type4660=C/C++|Switch highlighting mode for current document to "C/C++"|
bind856-type4660=CSS|Switch highlighting mode for current document to "CSS"|
bind857-type4660=D|Switch highlighting mode for current document to "D"|
bind858-type4660=Diff/Patch|Switch highlighting mode for current document to "Diff/Patch"|
bind859-type4660=Fortran77|Switch highlighting mode for current document to "Fortran77"|
bind860-type4660=GameMonkey script|Switch highlighting mode for current document to "GameMonkey script"|
bind861-type4660=HTML|Switch highlighting mode for current document to "HTML"|
bind862-type4660=Hitachi asm|Switch highlighting mode for current document to "Hitachi asm"|
bind863-type4660=LaTeX|Switch highlighting mode for current document to "LaTeX"|
bind864-type4660=Lua|Switch highlighting mode for current document to "Lua"|
bind865-type4660=MASM Assembly|Switch highlighting mode for current document to "MASM Assembly"|
bind866-type4660=Make|Switch highlighting mode for current document to "Make"|
bind867-type4660=Matlab|Switch highlighting mode for current document to "Matlab"|
bind868-type4660=NSIS|Switch highlighting mode for current document to "NSIS"|
bind869-type4660=Ogre Compositor script|Switch highlighting mode for current document to "Ogre Compositor script"|
bind870-type4660=Ogre Material script|Switch highlighting mode for current document to "Ogre Material script"|
bind871-type4660=OpenGL Shading Language|Switch highlighting mode for current document to "OpenGL Shading Language"|
bind872-type4660=Perl|Switch highlighting mode for current document to "Perl"|
bind873-type4660=Properties|Switch highlighting mode for current document to "Properties"|
bind874-type4660=Python|Switch highlighting mode for current document to "Python"|
bind875-type4660=Squirrel|Switch highlighting mode for current document to "Squirrel"|
bind876-type4660=Windows resource|Switch highlighting mode for current document to "Windows resource"|
bind877-type4660=XBase|Switch highlighting mode for current document to "XBase"|
bind878-type4660=XML|Switch highlighting mode for current document to "XML"|
bind879-type4660=nVidia cg|Switch highlighting mode for current document to "nVidia cg"|
bind906-type4660=Symbols browser|Toggle displaying the symbols browser|
bind905-type4660=Goto function...||Ctrl-Alt-G|
bind1604-type4660=Edit startup script|Press SHIFT while clicking this menu item to edit the assigned script in the editor|
bind714-type4660=Save a ll files|Save all modified files|Ctrl-Shift-S|
bind1432-type4660=Debug|Build target 'Debug' in current project|
bind1433-type4660=Release|Build target 'Release' in current project|

definitely isn't problem of permission or file localization because I can modify the shortcuts for compile and debug, it must be something else.

If can I help you in any way just let me know,

best regards,


« Last Edit: March 14, 2007, 10:15:44 pm by idhan »

Offline idhan

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Re: bug with keyboard shortcuts (svn 3681 - linux kubuntu edge)
« Reply #9 on: March 14, 2007, 11:15:08 pm »
I found the error:

if I manually modify the follow line:  (cbKeyBinder10.ini)

bind714-type4660=Save a ll files|Save all modified files|Ctrl-Shift-S|

for this:

bind714-type4660=Save a ll files|Save all modified files|Ctrl-S|

Doesn't work. After I open it again code::blocks still use |Ctrl-Shift-S|,but if a remove the space in "a ll" (save a ll files) then, after I open code::blocks the new settings is there. I can't explain why this work, I haven't see the code of CB (actually I don't have it) but probably will help you if you are working on this problem.

Thanks to you comment I have manually modify the settings that aren't in "Settings->Editor->Shortcuts" :-)

thanks a lot again,

best regards,


« Last Edit: March 14, 2007, 11:55:57 pm by idhan »