Author Topic: Adding new internationalization  (Read 5486 times)


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Adding new internationalization
« on: April 05, 2007, 05:00:21 pm »
Hi Code::Blocks Team,

I want to add Internationalization for german and italian. So I have download the corresponding pot files from.

Then I read the docu on:

But the docu does not seem to be the current one.
Where do I have to add po or mo files so that Code::Blocks will search for it. And how do I integrate the new languages in the Settings Dialog in Code::Blocks?



Offline thomas

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Re: Adding new internationalization
« Reply #1 on: April 05, 2007, 05:17:41 pm »
Hmm... I'm not sure how that it works at all, currently 8)

If I remember correctly, the internationalisation stuff is all hardcoded and only works for English and Simplified Chinese so far... the drop down list where you can select your language is not configurable. That's one of the things that we need to overwork urgently.  :?
I've started working on that a few months back, but abandoned after hitting some obstacle... don't remember what it was... it wasn't so urgent then, either...
Huh... maybe with some luck, I can find it again :)

But, in theory, you "only" copy that file (the one where you have replaced the strings) into the folder where all the translation files are kept (somewhere deep inside the "share" folder), and it just works magically. This would of course preferrably be done by the update script too, so not something you would need to worry about.

So... what to do for now? If you have a translation, please make it available somewhere (Launchpad, or BerliOS under the category "Translation"), and have some patience. As soon as internationalisation actually works, we'll collect all the translations that we can find.
"We should forget about small efficiencies, say about 97% of the time: Premature quotation is the root of public humiliation."


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Re: Adding new internationalization
« Reply #2 on: April 06, 2007, 09:05:04 am »
Hi Thomas,

in the sources and the generated files in devel/output the *.mo or *.po files are not available so
what is the extension of a translation file?
I did not find a corresponding folder in the share folder, so where do I have to put the files.

