I'm glad all of you liked it

Now, for the improving part:
I've found these bugs:
Current bugs of DoxyS
- Doesn't support text formatting on brief descriptions (not very important).
- The function parameter documentation ///< works well on .h but not on .cpp files.
Current bugs of the C::B comments
- For example on cbplugin.h, at the
virtual void BuildModuleMenu() function, the behaviour of DoxyS is always to take
the brief description from the first line (ie. you don't need @brief or \brief),
but if you are used to, it's better to put the cmd @brief then.
- Also always remember to put /// instead of // to document the code, for
example not like on "compiler.h" at the struct RegExStruct.
- Also try to remember when documenting variables in structs or classes:
int m_iMemberVarShortDoc; ///< Short single line documentation
instead of
int m_iMemberVarShortDoc; // Short single line documentation
- Documenting what is not documented =)
I would like to fix the "C::B comment bugs" but I don't have CVS access (I never used CVS).
Anyways some are easy to fix (most of them are a replace from // to ///),
So Yiannis or rickg22, who do you recommend to fix them?