Author Topic: Confused  (Read 8464 times)

Offline Ceniza

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« on: June 30, 2005, 06:47:42 pm »
Hi, again.

I would really appreciate if you could tell me why my account was removed, also my posts.

Last night I had several problems setting an avatar (couldn't upload it 'cause I always got a bunch of internal errors beginning with 'Premission Denied' from the server scripts). I tried uploading from a website and nothing happened. I linked to an external site and it worked.

Was my avatar in any way offensive? If so, how? That's the logo I've been using for years in my website. I designed the logo and I'm unable to see how it could be offensive, if that's the case.

If it means something somewhere I would really like to know it, 'cause I don't and is something I've been using for a very long time.

Was it the link I posted? It was just a snapshot of Code::Blocks with a big ? where the problem was. I didn't use [image] 'cause it was big for the forums.

Was it something I said? English isn't my first language, but... did I say something wrong?

The fact my last post, even related to a comment in the first post, was in the wrong place in the forums (it should be in the CVS one)?

Is it the fact I'm from Colombia? (Sorry, but I cannot think of any other thing I changed last night.)

Really, I'm so confused about it and I'm unable to find a reason.

Sorry for whatever I did that I still don't know would lead me to be kicked out of the forums.

Thanks just by reading this.

Offline mandrav

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« Reply #1 on: June 30, 2005, 07:01:49 pm »
I would really appreciate if you could tell me why my account was removed, also my posts.

This has never happened in this site and never will. Don't even think about it for a moment.

I just recently realized something's wrong.
Just yesterday, our host informed us of a server IP change. I guess the DNS cache did its wonders  :?

It seems that until the DNS propagates (which could take up to 48 hours), your browser's cache might still point to the old server...
A refresh might help...

Sorry about this Ceniza and all other guys out there.
I 'm going to post a news item so less people are confused...

Be patient!
This bug will be fixed soon...

Offline rickg22

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« Reply #2 on: June 30, 2005, 09:05:39 pm »
Yes. I was pretty scared too when I found out that nearly all posts had disappeared and reverted to June 1st!

I'll rename this event to...

"The groundhog dns!"  :lol:

Also, the avatar uploading is buggy. I had to link from an url to make mine work.

Offline Ceniza

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« Reply #3 on: July 01, 2005, 04:05:54 am »
It's good to know I haven't done anything bad... yet :)

It's still a shame my first 2 posts be gone. I hope at least one of the developers had read both 'cause I pointed to two lines of code to be changed. Let me know if you missed them.

BTW, is there a problem if I take the current AStyle plugin, update it (there's a pretty recent version of AStyle in CVS right now), add more options (the idea is to add them all) and put it for consideration (to replace the current one)? Well, that is, if I get to, almost, fully understand the workings of AStyle and mainly the plugin interface.

I'm pretty new to Code::Blocks, have been working with wxWidgets for some time and with C/C++ for a long time.

Code::Blocks CVS is looking pretty good and promising. Nice work guys.

Offline mandrav

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« Reply #4 on: July 01, 2005, 08:35:53 am »
It's still a shame my first 2 posts be gone. I hope at least one of the developers had read both 'cause I pointed to two lines of code to be changed. Let me know if you missed them.

I 've read it and I replied too.

BTW, is there a problem if I take the current AStyle plugin, update it (there's a pretty recent version of AStyle in CVS right now), add more options (the idea is to add them all) and put it for consideration (to replace the current one)? Well, that is, if I get to, almost, fully understand the workings of AStyle and mainly the plugin interface.

No, not at all. On the contrary ;)
Just keep us posted on your progress.

Be patient!
This bug will be fixed soon...