Well, mandrav is the only man on earth who understands that plugin (he wrote it after all :wink:). I don't know how many time it would take a mortal to add it, and I have no idea if mandrav feels like implementing it anytime soon.
Even though there's something to clarify: CodeCompletion is able to parse structs and classes, but not those declared with a typedef.
In your example the plugin should be able to parse the class (testclass), but it should fail with the struct... and the function too. I just tested it and it's so.
Something that is not helping the plugin, 'cause it's unable to parse it, is the way you define the function: old-C style. If you change it from:
BOOL InitInstance(hInstance, nCmdShow)
HANDLE hInstance;
int nCmdShow;
BOOL InitInstance(HANDLE hInstance, int nCmdShow)
then the plugin will be able to suggest things, and since you're also defining a class I guess you're using C++, so you should really define functions that way.
If you define structs like this:
struct NameOfTheStruct
// data members
the plugin will be able to parse them.
Please have in mind the CodeCompletion plugin is still work in progress, even though it hasn't been touched that much for many months and it's known to lack support for a few 'constructs' (you know two now).