Author Topic: USER ERROR: codesnippets seems to be missing 3 png files  (Read 5491 times)

Offline stahta01

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USER ERROR: codesnippets seems to be missing 3 png files
« on: December 29, 2006, 02:44:57 am »
It appears to be a user error issue, every so often I delete the output folder to make sure I don't get left over stuff then I run update.bat which I thought copies over everything from devel folder, but it does NOT do all of the contrib stuff.   

Note: The nightly build has them, I just have issues when building from SVN.

Tim S

Error I get:

20:34:47: Can't load image from file 'C:\CodeProjects\CodeBlocksProjects\CodeBlocks\CB_SVN_with_wx28\codeblocks-head\codeblocks\src\output/share/codeblocks\images\codesnippets\allsnippets.png': file does not exist.
20:34:47: Couldn't add an image to the image list.
20:34:47: Can't load image from file 'C:\CodeProjects\CodeBlocksProjects\CodeBlocks\CB_SVN_with_wx28\codeblocks-head\codeblocks\src\output/share/codeblocks\images\codesnippets\category.png': file does not exist.
20:34:47: Couldn't add an image to the image list.
20:34:47: Can't load image from file 'C:\CodeProjects\CodeBlocksProjects\CodeBlocks\CB_SVN_with_wx28\codeblocks-head\codeblocks\src\output/share/codeblocks\images\codesnippets\snippet.png': file does not exist.
20:34:47: Couldn't add an image to the image list.
« Last Edit: December 29, 2006, 03:26:14 am by stahta01 »
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