Well, it is the code from the CVS, I just had to fix a few bugs to get it to compile.
Anyway there are a few major types of warnings that appear:
Implict cast from size_t to int (nothing important)
Calling the SANITY_CHECK() macro, but not giving it any parameters.
Cast from pointer to a long.
Using magic numbers, instead of a boolean true or false
and the main one with making codeblocks.dll
Take this bit of code from configmanager.h
WX_DECLARE_OBJARRAY(ConfigurationPath, Configurations);
I ran the header file through the preprocessor to see what it did and this is the declaration of the class it generated
class Configurations : protected wxArrayPtrVoid
so this macro is creating a class called Configurations.
If a class is declared as being exportable (in this case, ConfigManager), then all the member classes of that class must be exportable as well (class Configurations).
so MSVC wants this class to be declared as DLLEXPORT. however it seems to be working fine without it. is class Configurations ever used from OUTSIDE the dll? if it's only for internal use (IE, within the DLL) then that is probably ok.
I will try to stuff about with the wx widgets header files to get their macro to declare the class as DLLEXPORT and see if that stops the compiler warnings.
rickg22: What do you want me to upload?