- Wizard CPP files are modified to support PCH.
Just my personal thoughts on that (nice!!!) work:
I wonder if it would make sense to separate the PCH feature into an own wizard. PCH isn't something possible for wx only (obviously). Do you think from your experience it would be possible to extract a "PCH enabling wizard" out of this one that can be applied to *any* project?
With regards, Morten.
Thanks for your comments.
A "PCH enabling wizard" is possible and I think that's a good idea, too. First I'm giving a rough sketch then I'll post my opinion.
My rough idea--
Page in Wizard ---------------------
[ ] Option 1
[ ] Option 2
[ ] Option 3
[ ] Select to enable PCH support
------------------------------------Now the wizard shows PCH page,
PCH Settings -----------------------
Please Remember that PCH works well only when you have a large
number of static headers to include and your project CPP files have
consistent header declaration.
Improper use may increase Build time!!
[ ] Create PCH through (*.h / *.cpp) file
Browse [..................................]
PCH Handling
( ) Create & Use (Compiler Dependent)
( ) Use only (First C::B will create and then, will compile other files in Use only mode)
--------------------------------------I would like to add it as a function in SDK so that the wizard can be called easily from any wizard.
If the Project involves huge amount of static headers, PCH would be beneficial. Otherwise not. Also the project/subproject cpp files should be consistent, otherwise regeneration of PCH file will kill the benefit.
But I feel the option may be misused by some users even for smaller and simpler projects. That would make them vent their anger on Code::Blocks itself. That's why I've put a warning message.