I'm having a problem with high CPU usage too, on the latest version:
You could try by starting to deactivate (contrib...) plugins. Probably you have a plugin installed that takes a lot of CPU usage for some obscure reason. I'd say for the most of us (including me) C::B takes nearly no CPU power.
I haven't installed any plugins that didn't come with codeblocks (although I did choose the "Full" install, as I always do). I tested them all and it doesn't look like there is any single plugin that's causing the problem. Rather, the effect seems to be cumulative, with a few of them weighted more havily than the others. Here are my testing results:
In all tests, IDE had a project loaded but was idle and mouse was not moving (except where otherwise noted).
All plugins disabled: 0%-2% (Never spikes above 2%)
All plugins disabled, moving mouse around: 6%-16%
One Plugin Only:
(Note, these are ALL the pluging I have installed, and all of them came pre-installed and pre-enabled with codeblocks v8.02)
Debugger: 1%-5%
Code Completion: 0%-4%
Compiler: 0%-4%
ThreadSearch: 0%-3%, spikes at 4%
DragScroll: 0%-3%
Keyboard Shortcuts: 0%-3%
AutoVersioning: 0%-3%
BrowseTracker: 0%-3%
Code Snippets: 0%-3%
Files Extention Handler: 0%-3%
Dev-C++ DevPack updater/installer: 0%-2%, spikes at 4%
Library Finder: 0%-2%, spikes at 4%
Source Exporter: 0%-2%, spikes at 4%
Code Profiler: 0%-2%, spikes at 3%
Foreign Project Importer: 0%-2%, spikes at 3%
Help plugin: 0%-2%, spikes at 3%
Open Files List: 0%-2%, spikes at 3%
ToDo List: 0%-2%, spikes at 3%
wxSmith MIME Plugin: 0%-2%, spikes at 3%
XP Look and Feel: 0%-2%
Source Code Formatter (AStyle): 0%-2%
AutoSave: 0%-2%
BYO Games: 0%-2%
ClassWizard: 0%-2%
Code Statistics: 0%-2%
Copy strings to clipboard: 0%-2%
Environment Variables: 0%-2%
Koders Query: 0%-2%
Regular Expressions Testbed: 0%-2%
Scripted Wizard: 0%-2%
Symbol Table Plugin: 0%-2%
wxSmith: 0%-2%
wxSmith Contrib Items: 0%-2%
All 3 wxSmith Plugins: 0%-2%, spikes at 3%
Five Plugins enabled at once:
Debugger, Code Completion, Compiler, ThreadSearch, and DragScroll: 5%-9%, spikes up to 12%
AutoSave, BYO Games, Code Statistics, ClassWizard, and Koders Query: 0%-3%
Everything except Debugger, Code Completion, Compiler, ThreadSearch, and DragScroll: 3%-7%, spikes down to 1% and up to 9%
Everything: 16%-23%