First and foremost, I would like to express my utmost appreciation to the wonderful developers of CodeBlocks. This IDE is truly amazing!!! For quite some time, I have been looking for an IDE that goes along well with MSYS/MinGW development environment with built-in source level debugging capability, and this is what I found.
MinGW Developer Studio is a very close competitor to CodeBlocks. I used it before I found this one. Too bad, MDS, while is free, is not open-sourced and the developer is slow in adding folder support to Workspace/Project management. CodeBlocks comes in really good in this area, rivalling commercial product from MS.
I was really very disappointed when I discovered that CodeBlocks is lacking "Find in files" capabilities which I regard as a MUST-HAVE for any IDE that's to be put into serious work. Anyway, the CVS source already had it. I built it from SNAPSHOT_28052005 and I was very happy about it. Thank you very much!!!!
To further improve the "File in files" search results readability, relative path should be displayed for files instead of absolute path. Or, use 2-line approach with 1st line displaying pathname and 2nd line displaying line number and text.
I am looking forward to the final 1.0 released version of CodeBlocks