Sorry my english.
When I compile any file and try compile it again - it compile again.
Same with build. Thus Build like Rebuild. 
In Code::Blocks Debug:
[14:49:57.171]: Scanned 0 files for #includes, cache used 0, cache updated 0
//-- Please Provide more information
Would you state your CodeBlocks version and compiler version and your Operating System.
//-- Full Compile Logging -- Turn on full compiler logging
Main Menu->Settings->Compiler and Debugger->"Other"->Compiler logging = "Full command line".
Could you provide us with a simple example that shows the problem.
Attach the example and the compiler log to your message.
CodeBlocks version - current code from svn, my build. Version from 20.10.06 work fine.
Compieler - MinGw (gcc version 3.4.4 (mingw special))
OS - MS Windows 2000 SP 4
With "Full command line" - Build log one file:
mingw32-g++.exe -Wall -frtti -fexceptions -DUNICODE -DQT_LARGEFILE_SUPPORT -DQT_DLL -DQT_NO_DEBUG -DQT_GUI_LIB -g -IC:\Dev\Qt42\include -IC:\Dev\Qt42\include\QtCore -IC:\Dev\Qt42\include\QtGui -IC:\Dev\Qt42\include\QtSql -IC:\Dev\Qt42\include\QtXml -IC:\Dev\Qt42\include\Qt -IC:\Dev\Qt42\include\QtDesigner -IC:\Dev\1L\qt1l\src -IC:\MinGW\include -c config\config_tests.cpp -o C:\Dev\1L\qt1l\tmp\obj\debug\config\config_tests.o
Process terminated with status 0 (0 minutes, 9 seconds)
0 errors, 0 warnings
and this all time.
it doing with any project - compiling and building fine, but with next try build - begining compiling all again.
But same file/project in CB(20.10.06):
Nothing to be done.