Only if the MacIntel
"can't run any program" show-stopper bug get's resolved it would be perfect.
So the current situation is:
MacOS X GTK port - PowerPC: more or less functional
MacOS X GTK port - Intel: more or less functional
MacOS X Carbon port - PowerPC: more or less functional
MacOS X Carbon port - Intel: non-functional due to mentioned bug
MacOS X Cocoa port - PowerPC: the wxWidgets Cocoa port is still inmature as far as I know
MacOS X Cocoa port - Intel: the wxWidgets Cocoa port is still inmature as far as I knowWhat can we do to fix the Carbon-Intel bug?
I've had bad luck when trying to debug C::B and couldn't debug it, mainly because the MacPorts dependencies got messed up easily (only upgraded the kernel), and couldn't built C::B anymore.
Just for the record, I created a little wxWidgets app that uses
wxExecute() and it worked perfectly, so I don't think it's a Intel/wxWidgets issue. Even DialogBlocks works perfectly, which uses the same configuration.
Thats awesome news. bnilsson, does the current wiki page show the best way to get CB up and running on Mac OS X?
I can answer that: yes. The easiest way is to use a nightly build (it's even easier than on other systems), and for compiling it, the easiest way is to use MacPorts.
It would be nice if the afb patches get applied because they often go out-of-sync and can't merge.