Developer forums (C::B DEVELOPMENT STRICTLY!) > Plugins development

Plug-Ins : some suggested "case" conventions

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the "CamelCase" is the suggestion ;-)

Never heard that terminology, but I like it !!!

[EDIT] :


--- Quote from: killerbot on October 24, 2006, 04:39:28 pm ---the "CamelCase" is the suggestion ;-)

--- End quote ---
I see
As you can see today I have problems to understand your meanings (Applied to core code) :P

[offtopic] today you will be able to celibrate. Firefox 2.0 is coming  :D :D :D :D

PS :

--- Quote ---Is applied to the core code : (yes/no) (meaning is it in : yes or no)


Remark : applied to the core means : a CB developer has applied your patch, so your changes are now into the core code (the real code you get from svn).
--- End quote ---


--- Quote from: killerbot on October 24, 2006, 04:52:22 pm ---[offtopic] today you will be able to celibrate. Firefox 2.0 is coming  :D :D :D :D

--- End quote ---

--- Quote ---Is applied to the core code : (yes/no) (meaning is it in : yes or no)


Remark : applied to the core means : a CB developer has applied your patch, so your changes are now into the core code (the real code you get from svn).
--- End quote ---
Yeah, but it's a bit confusing as core code also means sdk/core plugins (contrary to contribs).

Now, back on topic, your suggestion was something like this perhaps?:

astyle.dll -> AStyle.dll
autosave.dll -> AutoSave.dll
byogames.dll -> ByoGames.dll
cb_koders.dll -> KodersSearch.dll
CBProfiler.dll -> Profiler.dll
classwizard.dll -> ClassWizard.dll
codecompletion.dll -> CodeCompletion.dll
codesnippets.dll -> CodeSnippets.dll
codestat.dll -> CodeStatistics.dll
compiler.dll -> Compiler.dll
copystrings.dll -> CopyStrings.dll
debugger.dll -> Debugger.dll
defaultmimehandler.dll -> DefaultMIMEHandler.dll
devpakupdater.dll -> DevPaks.dll
DragScroll.dll -> MouseSettings.dll
envvars.dll -> EnvironmentVariables.dll
help_plugin.dll -> Help.dll
keybinder.dll -> Keybinder.dll
lib_finder.dll -> LibraryFinder.dll
scriptedwizard.dll -> ScriptedWizard.dll
symtab.dll -> SymbolTable.dll
todo.dll -> ToDo.dll
wxsmith.dll -> wxSmith.dll
xpmanifest.dll -> XPManifest.dll


--- Quote from: Takeshi Miya on October 24, 2006, 04:20:58 pm ---
--- Quote from: mandrav on October 24, 2006, 03:51:16 pm ---You missed the point completely.

--- End quote ---
Sorry, but yes, I understood Lieven's post as something to discuss and to change...
Not how it is now.
The title "suggested case conventions" doesn't sounds like "enforced case conventions".

--- End quote ---

As in "suggested for developing your plugins".
As I told you, it really doesn't matter at all which naming scheme you will follow. What's important is that it is consistent (aka the same) in all of the aforementioned places.

So Lieven posted this suggestion for you to follow in order to have some consistency. Still, it's not enforced...


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