Author Topic: Setup type of value during watching variable in debug mode  (Read 3742 times)

Offline SamT

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Setup type of value during watching variable in debug mode
« on: September 28, 2006, 02:01:12 am »
Hello all,

Could I setup the type or the display method when I watch the variable in debug mode? For example, I'd like to have a hexadecimal not decimal value of a variable. Please find the picture as below.

By the way, I found the breakpoint function is not 100% correct during debugging. Sometimes I toggle a breakpoint in one line but the program ignore it and run through. Sometimes I toggle a breakpoint in a declaration statement and program stop in that line.

I use lastest nightly build with GDB 6.3.

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Offline mandrav

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Re: Setup type of value during watching variable in debug mode
« Reply #1 on: September 28, 2006, 08:43:52 am »
Could I setup the type or the display method when I watch the variable in debug mode? For example, I'd like to have a hexadecimal not decimal value of a variable. Please find the picture as below.

Yes you can, but not for the auto-watches (locals and function args). Only for those watches you add manually.
Be patient!
This bug will be fixed soon...