I have never done anything professional if that is what you are asking... My dream was to become a software engineer, but after I saw the maths and physics that I had to tackle and saw how poorly I was doing in these classes, I saw that my dream that could not become reality... So I changed to a Mutimedia based course (Photoshop classes and the like) where there is no Math or Physics. I start in a couple of days...
I have programmed in Visual Basic, Pascal, and C, the first two are the ones that I am better at. The thing is that I have never programmed in C++ before and all of these configurations that I must do to get the IDE to work correctly and stuff is kinda new to me... C was never really my forte, that could be becuase I am forced to study it in a language that is not the one I grew up with (I'm an imigrant USA->Portugal, trust me Portuguese is way harder to understand than English is...), actually it could be the reason that I am bad at math as well, up until the point that I imigrated I always had Bs and As in math with the least amount of effort...
Where was I? ... ... Oh yeah... I'm pretty new to C++, I'm going to learn it basically while I program, and since I never compiled almost anything other than the programs that I had made, building wxWidgets and configuring compilers is still pretty new to me. The only type of programs that I have done before are the simple ones, exercises which I was told to do. Basically... apply the algorithm that they supply, or make a program from the description given to you. Those were the types of programs that I did in C and Pascal... In Visual Basic I did more programs with databases than anything else, most of which were games like who wants to be a millionare or a lottery emulator (it doesn't generate lottery numbers... you just select a few numbers and hope to get some of them right).
I am thankful (I'm almost sure that that is spelled with two "l"s...) that all of you here have been very patient with me, I know that my constant questioning can become quite tiresome and annoying (as RJP might already know from another forum

), it's just that I like to always get a second opinion... Sometimes I might be very sure of something, but I don't try it because I'm afraid that something bad might happen, so I ask for a second opinion... I guess I'm just a coward afraid of the consequences of my choices...
Anyway, I just compiled an example program and everything went fine. Here is what the log had to say:
-------------- Build: Release in CDMaster ---------------
Precompiling header: wx_pch.h
Compiling: main.cpp
Compiling: app.cpp
Linking executable: bin\Release\CDMaster.exe
Process terminated with status 0 (0 minutes, 15 seconds)
0 errors, 0 warnings