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What does it take to compile a ^%$ MFC app?

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I'm at my wit's end here, and mostly it's that I feel like a moron because I can't seem to do what anyone here has done without much difficulty.
   I think my problem is I'm lacking a particular package or SDK. When I try to compile any MFC proggy, or any WinAPI proggy with a rc file, it tells me it can't open nafxcw.lib. I've found in the platform SDK versions for 64-bit processors, but despite repeated uninstalls & reinstalls with varying levels of specificness, I can't seem to come up with such a file for x86 machines.
   So am I just missing a particular package, or what?
   Apologies if this has already been answered in another thread. I've looked, but may have missed something, since I was distracted by all the steam coming out of my ears...

Welcome Crazy Eddie :)

I have no problems building windows apps (including RCs) with VCToolkit. All I have is the VCToolkit 2003 free download and the platform SDK (although a bit outdated - August 2002).
From what I 've read in a simple google search I just did, "nafxcw.lib" is part of the Microsoft Foundation Classes (MFC). That's all I can tell you, though, about MFC :oops: ...

Maybe someone else can help you better,

Hmm... It look like, for some odd reason, the install program is simply refusing to give me the x86 version of MFC... I think maybe I installed wrong versions(with the 64bit code) and it's adamantly sticking to that.
   I wonder what it's going to take to get it to forget the previous crap and give me what I need now?

   Anyway, thanks for the reply.

you can't compile a MFC app with the free VC Toolkit.
the MFC sources and libs are supplied only with the full Visual C compilers
go and get an old Visual studio 6.0 CD set, they are sold at about 20EUR today.
it's really worth this money. or get a student licence for VS2003.NET, it's about the same price.

Would you believe I just happenned upon an old copy of VC++ 6 I had lying around the house? I have it installed, so no I have to mess around with it for a bit. Thanks for the info though.


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