Author Topic: Interested in generating spanish documentation  (Read 10792 times)


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Interested in generating spanish documentation
« on: August 08, 2006, 07:05:35 pm »
Hi guys.

I'm new here but after just a couple of weeks I just like C::B a lot.

I was wondering if I could help writing documentation for C::B in Spanish (*not* translating the program), as it is my mother lang and I still have to write an article about C::B here anyway.
I like the program the most, and my bosses are waving their hands over their heads around me, chanting and praying so that "someone" teaches them how to use it: I work at a simulation and learning facility where the program has been found "of quite a good use", mostly because of the license AND the fact it can work with several compilers (one of our goals in the facility is to get MSVC out of the way).

I would be quite happy to help. I don't have a lot of time, but I have the disposition and the interest to write whatever is neccesary. I work with Windows and Linux, in both a "user" and "admin" perspective. I can create articles, faqs or whatever in spanish for the end targets required.

Any thoughts are welcome, thank you in advance.


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Re: Interested in generating spanish documentation
« Reply #1 on: August 08, 2006, 11:44:20 pm »
Of course you can, if they prove to be of great help I can translate to english later. :)

I'm having in mind something like the i18zed site of


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Almost ready
« Reply #2 on: September 09, 2006, 08:22:46 pm »
At last, I'm almost ready with some Spanish documentation. The document will be a or PDF format set of "howtos" dedicated to three specific tasks: how-to install, how-to set compilers, and how-to import DevC++ or MSVC projects. I hope to have the first two documents ready by September 20 so they can be reviewed and publicshed.

However, I still have some doubts, maybe you guys can help.

First, am I obligued to release the documents with a specific license? -- I'm making those documents as both a personal and work thing. I'm required to credit my working institution in the document, as I've been using their facilities and I'm working these things for them; and obviously I want to cite the help in this site and the C::B main and wiki, which is what helped me the most.
I was thinking about releasing the document in a GFDL+"cardware" style of license (ie.: "do what you want with it, preserve the copyright, but if you like it please send me a postcard") because that's the way I've been working so far. What do you think?

Second, do I publish the documents in my website ahd have them linked here, or do I send the docs right to you and then you'll see what is best? Any choice is OK for me (except I don't have a webpage, I'm SO  out of date...).

That's it, I welcome any thoughts.

See ya.

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Re: Interested in generating spanish documentation
« Reply #3 on: September 09, 2006, 09:08:25 pm »
Use any license you like: it's your work after all.
And if you can't host them, contact me so we host them.
Be patient!
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