At last, I'm almost ready with some Spanish documentation. The document will be a or PDF format set of "howtos" dedicated to three specific tasks: how-to install, how-to set compilers, and how-to import DevC++ or MSVC projects. I hope to have the first two documents ready by September 20 so they can be reviewed and publicshed.
However, I still have some doubts, maybe you guys can help.
First, am I obligued to release the documents with a specific license? -- I'm making those documents as both a personal and work thing. I'm required to credit my working institution in the document, as I've been using their facilities and I'm working these things for them; and obviously I want to cite the help in this site and the C::B main and wiki, which is what helped me the most.
I was thinking about releasing the document in a GFDL+"cardware" style of license (ie.: "do what you want with it, preserve the copyright, but if you like it please send me a postcard") because that's the way I've been working so far. What do you think?
Second, do I publish the documents in my website ahd have them linked here, or do I send the docs right to you and then you'll see what is best? Any choice is OK for me (except I don't have a webpage, I'm SO out of date...).
That's it, I welcome any thoughts.
See ya.