I've been unavailable for few weeks (something really not related to computers

), it's nice to see C::B community again

I hope you will forgive all unanswered messages and all problems with wxSmith during my absence. And I hope you will understand my decision to develop new version only. Old version may be really unstable since I've fixed some bugs in rush without deeper investigation (it may be even better to revert to some ealier revision). But it's currently the only choice for developers using wxSmith, new ver. isn't good enough yet.
I'll try to get back to work as fast as possible

but since I've finished studies I won't have as much time as before

. And there's lot of work to do, especially when dealing with incompatibilities between different platforms (just try to paint over widget or group of widgets, it's really a nightmare, if it works on win, it doesn't on linux and if it works on linux it doesn't on win... :| I don't want to try Mac

). Huh, maybe I should stop talking (typing) ans focus on things which need to be done

Hello world again