Author Topic: C::B not working on OSX (Intel). Can we help you?  (Read 13170 times)

Offline Paco.Blasco

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C::B not working on OSX (Intel). Can we help you?
« on: August 09, 2006, 10:33:59 am »
Hi all,
I'm very interested in having C::B working os OSX. Mainly, I want the same platform on Linux, OSX and Windows, and Eclipse, although I think it is a very good tool, has some drawbacks (big,cpu eating, sometimes slow, ...)
I suppose Xcode on OSX it is a very good tool (on OSX and Linux I'm using Makefile+gvim to develop software ;) ), and on Windows, I've used Borland C++ 3, 5, 6, MSVC 6 & 7.1, and since two years ago I'm using also MinGW+wx...and C::B, of course.
Mainly, I want to use C::B as a multiplatform tool for multiplatform projects.

Good. Some error I found:
- Project management crashes
- It doesn't compile any project (begins the compilation, but I believe it nevers call gcc)
- A lot more, but I'm blocked with the first two.

I have C::B compiled with debug, and I'm going to compile wx with all debug support enabled.
I believe a ggod idea is to begin fixing the compilation problem. What doi you think?
Any idea? Can you tell me anything?


PD: I'm the CEO of my working in this things at night or when I'm tired of the usual work.
« Last Edit: August 09, 2006, 12:53:38 pm by Paco.Blasco »

Offline Pecan

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Re: C::B not working on OSX (Intel). Can we help you?
« Reply #1 on: August 09, 2006, 03:35:54 pm »
- Project management crashes
- It doesn't compile any project (begins the compilation, but I believe it nevers call gcc)

I use, compile, and debug with CB on OSX 3.3 almost daily.
However, I have never been able to compile wxWidgets 2.6.x on OSX 4.
Nor have I ever been able to use autotools successfully on ppc 3.3 or 4.0.

I downloaded the older version of OSX CB available on berlios, and hand built a CB project from the unix.cbp.

I compile most version of SVN this way. It all works with a few (not serious) bugs. So it is possble to run CB on 3.3. I have also run the OSX 3.3 CB on ppc OSX 4 using everything I compiled on 3.3. That worked also.

I have not yet updated to Tiger permanently, since I could not compile wxWidgets there.

But a ppc version of CB is workable at least.

I am having a death in the family, so I cannot put any time into it now, but I will upload a ppc CB sometime in the future. In the meantime, I hope my little success will encourage you to continue working on a Mac'ntel version.

« Last Edit: August 09, 2006, 03:37:52 pm by Pecan »

Offline Pecan

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Re: C::B not working on OSX (Intel). Can we help you?
« Reply #2 on: August 09, 2006, 03:43:14 pm »
- Project management crashes
- It doesn't compile any project (begins the compilation, but I believe it nevers call gcc)

Could you be more specific? Turn on full compile line logging.
What does it look like?
Settings->Compiler&Debugger->Other->full command line

Offline Paco.Blasco

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Re: C::B not working on OSX (Intel). Can we help you?
« Reply #3 on: August 09, 2006, 04:00:31 pm »
Hi, Pecan:

Thanks your time, I understand your family situation.
I've tried to do this, but the PPC version over Intel is not too much stable, if fact I had the same problem.
I have a Mac Mini (PCC) with OSX 3.3. When I'm getting a few time I'm going to compile all to see on PPC.
I'm going to revert to an earlier version of C::B, and follow up.
On the compiler...I activate the "Full Command Line".....But I'm only getting "We are going to compile...".
I will put more info after I tried the earlier version.

THX A LOT!!!!!!!!

Offline Pecan

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Re: C::B not working on OSX (Intel). Can we help you?
« Reply #4 on: August 09, 2006, 05:49:26 pm »
If you care to simply download a working ppc binary. It's at
This is a version SVN2411 bundle.

You can use this to compile SVN with the following 3.3 project files:
CodeBlocks-Mac103.cbp in the attached zip file
Codeblocks-Mac103u.cbp in the attached zip file

If you get a crash in strconv.cpp of the unicode build during loading a file, search for my fix to wxWidgets 2.6.3 with the search word "strconv.cpp".

[attachment deleted by admin]

Offline Paco.Blasco

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Re: C::B not working on OSX (Intel). Can we help you?
« Reply #5 on: August 09, 2006, 06:30:03 pm »
I've download that version weeks ago, but, it provoques some problem on Tiger with Intel. It crash when I try to open the environment menu.
Perhaps it needs the shared lbraries?
I load the project, and I launch the compilation...and I see the first file is compiled, but C::B waits infinitely to the end of that process..
I suppose the problem is with the exec function, and a problem in the system library.
Any idea?
By the other side, the version I compiled has a looooot of problem with the dockable wx version.
I'm working on the problem.
I tell you my goals.