User forums > Using Code::Blocks

undo/redo bug


Hi *,

Using the latest nightly 2758 in a Windows XP SP2 environment.

1) Start CB
2) Create a New->Empty File
3) Save it (any name, say foo.c)

Now the status bar reports that the file is not modified. Both the undo and redo button are green, even if there are no
mods to be redo-ed and/or undo-ed

4) Type something in the editor area (in the previously created file :-) )
5)  In the status bar the flag "Modified" appears
6) Click undo. The "Modified" flag disappears. (undo and redo button are green)
7) Click undo again. The "Modified" flag is again flagged in the status bar. But there are no modifications
(undo and redo button are green)

Is this correct? Or a bug?

In the past the undo/redo buttons become grey when there are no pending mods to be redo-ed or undo-ed.

Few days ago I have already flagged this issue, but I have not received any feedback on it.

If the dev team is considering this behaviour a bug I will open a bug report.



undoing when there's, nothing to undo : I would say  : bug

Please do file it at berlios; in here it will get lost, at berlios we can track it.

After some more tests I discovered that during the step number 3) a new line is automatically added. The new empty file has
no characters init. CB, correctly, wants to have the saved file  with a terminating new line. \

So there is a modification to be undo-ed during 7)

I think that the only "bad" :-) behaviour is the button colouring. They are green forever.



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