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Help ! My workspace is corrupt, CB crashes when loading

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It seems one of the projects of my workspace is broken and when starting C::B (newest Version, on Windows XP), it crashes at the moment it tries to load one of the projects.
Where is the workspace defined ? Haven't found any configuration files.
What I do now, is to open the project I want to work on from the commandline. Then I have just that Project open, and everything is fine. I thought i could just save the workspace, but when I try to do so, C::B seems to refresh teh corrupt workspace and crashes.  
Do I need to clear the confuguration ? I hope not, because then I would loose all general compiler sttings, custom commands and so on.

In Xp, it is in "Documents and Settings/<username>/.CodeBlocks/default.workspace".
If you can, please send me the default.workspace and the project file (only) of the project that's crashing...


thanks for the reply, I took out the bad project file (no idea what is wrong with it), then everything was o.k. again with CodeBlocks.
I am gonna send you the file to your hotmail adress.

The project file itself opens just fine here. This leads me to believe there's a bug somewhere else. It *could* be the class-parser choking on a specific file but it hasn't crashed on me for a long long time now.

Supposing that C::B still crashes when opening this specific project, try the following steps:

1) If you 're using code-completion cache, there should be a file <projectname>.cbcache. Close C::B, delete this file and try to open your project.

2) Disable all plugins and open the project again. If it doesn't crash, start enabling the plugins one-at-a-time and see which causes the crash.

3) Check at the C::B installation dir. There might be a file there called codeblocks.rpt. Please send it to me. It will help me pin down the problem.


Yiannis, thanks very much. Option 1) solved the problem.

I checked also codeblocks.rpt, but it has filesize 0.


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