This is kind of obvious, but I'll post it anyway.

A release is well overdue.. even a minor one, releases help motivate developers, would-be developers and the community
at large, they would also get announced on news/programming/tech/other sites, which in turn bring in more interested users who
will test, make bug reports, feature requests and whatnot, they also bring in potential developers who can help with said users
of said issues.

A minor release would also provide a base for which other projects who use the project can report bugs and whatnot too, rc2
is dated and stagnating, a major project like this (an ide) atleast needs a new release every now and then, I'm not talking about
a nightly build either.
You don't need to complete a roadmap in order for release, you can move items that aren't ready to the next version features
that can't get implemented (completely) in time get taken out, non-critical bugs could probably remain if they don't provide too
much of an annoyance.
This is a great project and it would be nice if there was a new version people could fall back on