Dunno when you gonna release that one (after the worldcup final? :lol: )
It has nothing to do with the worldcup final.
N.B.: Even though I live in one of the cities where the world cup takes place, I could not even tell you who is playing! I happen to know that Germany will be in the next round because it was in the news last night, but that's about it 
RC3 will be released when it is ready, and that will be when a couple of important issues have been resolved.
Apart from several things that are just unpleasant (and should not go into a RC as known bugs), the two most important open problems are scripting and updating.
1. AngelScript, which we currently use, is a mighty fine thing, but it does not work on the majority of platforms that are otherwise supported by Code::Blocks. This is a very serious limitation.
Yiannis has done a lot of work to make AngelScript 64bit-compatible, but some of the low level internals are beyond his scope, these will have to be fixed by Andreas Jönsson. If and when this will happen is yet unknown to us, we have contacted Andreas about it. If nothing helps, we may have to switch to another script engine.
Obviously, we are not releasing RC3 now only to make another massive change like that a week later, this would be most unwise.
2. Internet updates are currently at a stage which is 90% functional on the client side, minimum functional on the server side, and which has 0% test coverage.
We absolutely want to include the ability to perform updates over the internet, as this will simplify a lot of things, and resolve many problems in the future.
As this is a quite important functionality, we want to be sure it really works reliably.