Author Topic: problem build CB from CVS using codeblock.cbp in CodeBlocks  (Read 20797 times)

Offline cyberkoa

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problem build CB from CVS using codeblock.cbp in CodeBlocks
« Reply #15 on: May 27, 2005, 07:07:14 am »
After a few time of testings, I manage to get C::B compiled and run, however, to let the C::B run properly , a trick need to be done.

Platform : Windows 2000 Pro
Wx version : 2.4.2
CodeBlocks version : 1.0 Final
In fact ,  I have tested in company's PC and Laptop. At company , I use the option 1 , and at home I use options 2 (set the path), here I only mention the options since both need a tweak after compile

1. To make sure no object files that left by the previous compilation  , I uninstall MingGW and wxwidgets-2.4.2 , and delete both folder after uninstallation. I deleted all the files that downloaded from CVS, redownload again.

2. I install MingW rc3.2 from

3. I install wxwidgets-2.4.2

4. I compile wxwidgets under MSYS(which I have installed previously)

5. After this , I compile stc followed by xrc.

6. I run CB final-1.0 , and open the project file CodeBlocks.cbp in CVS under codeblocks/src .

7. I add the following information (Menu "Project" > Build Option)

    <WXWIN> is your wxwidgets folder
     Directory >Compiler

     Directory > Linker
     sdk\tinyxml <----- default

     Directory > Resources Compiler

     Custom Variable

8. Click the compile icon

9. Compilation success .

10 . Download zip.exe (used by update.bat) from ,  and extract to C:\MSYS\1.0\bin (any folder that in the path will do)

11. run update.bat in CVS - under codeblocks/src

Here is the strange thing ..

I run codeblocks.exe from CVS 's output  folder , message show "wxmswdll is not is <%Path%> etc...", I copy wxmswdll to <WINNT>\system

I run codeblocks.exe from CVS 's output  folder again , after the splash screen , prompt the memory error problem.

I run the project from the C::B , also the memory error problem.

I debug CB project in CB , by click the menu "Debug " > Debug , it start the CB properly.

I close the CB that run in debug mode. I run again the CB in output folder , the memory problem disappear!
I run the project in CB again , NO memory error !

Above are the steps that I conclude after 7-8 times of recompilation of wxwidgets and CB in 1 PC & 1 Laptop.