Yiannis, what do you think? Is it time to give frog-o and byo CVS access?
If byo is interested, we could give him a CVS directory to work in it.
frog-o 's case is somewhat different as he 's not developing a plugin, but rather working on the main code.
frog-o should provide patches when he 's ready. These patches will be reviewed and, if accepted, will be applied in CVS.
CVS-write access to the main code is earned, not given away.
It's like when you, Rick, wanted to join. You worked on your local CVS copy of C::B and provided patches which I reviewed and then applied in CVS. When I saw that we can work
together, I happily granted you CVS-write access.
The same goes for frog-o and anyone else interested to join.
It's only different for plugin writers. They 're given CVS-write access to a specific folder to work on their plugin. This way they 'll attract more developers since the code will be in the main C::B repository instead of their hard drive, so many more eyes will get to look at it

A note to frog-o:
I appreciate all the hard work you 're doing, but I think you 're trying to do too many things at once (notebook, xrc, etc). I believe it would be better to do one thing at a time. For example, work on converting MDI to notebook and when you 're done, send me a patch for it. Then continue with the next thing on your checklist (like xrc for main).
It's easier for you to debug your code this way and for me to review the patch...