first of all thanks for your GOOD work.
I have installed code::blocks on my WinNT 4 SP6 with MinGW alredy
I find the editor Scintilla like :-) very fine, but i need more settings,
TAB size (i use 3 space, not 4 in my souces), for instance.
I like "TABBED" editor too, but actually this feature is not supported.
I have try to set my MinGW bin path (note, it doesn't have spaces):
using the compiler plugin global options/programs tab. But my
path are not stored. If i close and reopen this tab, appears the
default C:\MinGW\bin path, and so was impossible to compile.
Taking a look at your sorce code (beta 2, not the last beta 3)
i have seen the possibility to set in my SYSTEM PATH variable
my MinGW path, but this was already done by myself.
A comment in your code tell my that "probably" the "API" that
search for in PATH the MinGW path doesn't work if there is a
space inside PATH. And in my case that was true, one of my
first path in PATH was C:\Programmi\Windows NT\Accessori.
So i have move it at the end of PATH (no other path have spaces)
and after this changes CODE::BLOCKS started to compile :-).
1) Actually is's impossible to set a MinGW bin path other than the
default one, using the "settings options".
2) The search in PATH fails if it include a path with white spaces
BEFORE the MinGW bin path and probably ALSO fail if the MinGW bin
path include spaces by it own.
I have also try to find in which file are stored the compilers settings
with no success ... only while i'm writing this message i have
discover that the compiler path, and others settings are stored in
the win registry keys (master_path key, etc :-)
So probably i should have solve my problem quickly by editing registry...
In any case i have't found here the TAB size = 4 :-)
Other questions:
- What is DDE server and why should i use it

- To see where i can "watch" the variable values during debug
it's very "hard". Normally others IDE show them at the BOTTON, not
on the left under other tabs :-)
Furthermore it may be useful to be able to set the variable's value
display mode (hex, dec, etc)
- It may be useful to display only the necessary BOTTOM tabs not all.
A user may ned only a set of them, and when the main dialog is not
maximized, not used tabs "grab" useful are.
- I think a little help file :-) may be very useful, becouse the online help
and plugins help doesn't help me to answer to any of my questions.
Best regards