Author Topic: A little step by step tutorial, please [SOLVED]  (Read 24123 times)


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Re: A little step by step tutorial, please
« Reply #15 on: March 24, 2006, 05:35:05 pm »
Bundling everything looks like a good idea at first, but on the long run,

Yep, but we (newbies) always know better!!! :D
You are right about having things separated, I have seen the same arguments on another forum, and they are completely valid. But when you reach a stable version, you could provide this all-in-one package for those who does not need bleeding edge (nightly build) versions of any of the parts (wx, C::B and mingw).

Let me get C::B working and stop discussing....


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Re: A little step by step tutorial, please
« Reply #16 on: March 24, 2006, 11:48:43 pm »
As has been said, bundling is not usually good except for newbies.
The plugins / devpacks / scripts mechanisms is better as it gives more flexibility.

Bundling vs. not bundling is the same case as why Mozilla Firefox became more used than Mozilla Suite: extensions are better and you can choose the extensions you want and not more.

In this case, bundling wxWidgets wouldn't be the best option. A better approach is to provide C::B official DevPaks of it, compiled with the flags used in C::B, as this would ease for newbies: don't need to compile it, and for C::B plugin developers (3P) compiling plugins against that specific wxWidgets and C::B SDK stable version (thus, a C::B SDK DevPak would be great too).

MOVED the rest of the post here:
« Last Edit: March 25, 2006, 12:13:17 am by Takeshi Miya »

Offline squizzz

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what would say... :)
« Reply #17 on: March 25, 2006, 01:25:08 am »
Obligatory quotes:

1. create IDE with pluggable architecture (include plugin wizard!)
2. combine with RAD plugin based on decent, multiplatform GUI toolkit
3. ???
4. PROFIT!!!!!!

guess for 3: bundle with precompiled wxWidgets + Code::Blocks SDK + SDK docs, so both RAD plugin and plugin wizard work out of the box, and it's all as easy as just pressing F9. Apply to major (official) releases only, to save your precious time, your sanity and your dog. =)


The fact you will never have to explain others how to correctly set up wxWidgets library/linker settings again - PRICELESS!

Just my $0.02 :D :P

« Last Edit: March 25, 2006, 01:30:23 am by squizzz »
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Re: what would say... :)
« Reply #18 on: March 25, 2006, 01:28:35 am »
The fact you will never have to explain others how to correctly set up wxWidgets library/linker settings again - PRICELESS!

First things first, I think DevPaks would be needed for that (see my post here:

If that gets going, anyone could build a distribution (even in CD and BitTorrent) of free/opensource development tools of C::B+DevPaks.


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Re: A little step by step tutorial, please
« Reply #19 on: March 26, 2006, 09:44:36 pm »
Hi all,

It was all on the Wiki, so I can only blame myself for not getting it the first time. While I was following the tutorials, I made one myself, that could be used along (not meant as a replacement for) the ones in the Wiki. I did it using Winks (, it takes screenshots of the steps involved and can generate html, flash or pdf output.

It is just a quick tutorial, maybe even an overkill for something as easy :-) but I think Wink is cool for documentation.

The output flash file is about 1MB so I put it for the moments on the website of the company where I work, but I will have to take it from there. Right now I am having problems with broadband internet connection, I am on dial-up. When I have connection problems solved, I might look for some free hosting where to put this tutorial (and hopefully others in the future), if there is enough interest :-)

To reduce flash file size, I used an option in Wink to only use web safe colors. Anyway, here is the link, hope you like it (use the button (Next) at the bottom of the screenshot to continue)


P.S.1: link to download the wink project file is broke, did not have time to upload it.
P.S.2: just checked, tutorial seems broke, or maybe it's just me (dial-up) having problems to view it

It should be fixed now, I have uploaded everything again, and just in case, I've put a link at the bottom to download everything for offline use. I checked with firefox and could see the whole thing. The wink project is made with wink v1.5 build 1051 on W2K, I am not quite sure if it is fully compatible with wink on linux. 

« Last Edit: March 27, 2006, 04:54:43 pm by nmambre »

Offline squizzz

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Re: A little step by step tutorial, please
« Reply #20 on: March 26, 2006, 10:27:41 pm »
Wow, very nice!

Unfortunately only few first slides work here, at some point it crashes (Opera) or freezes (Firefox) the browser. (or maybe just my flash plugin is outdated)

Hope you will upload it successfully later. :)

PS. A bit off-topic, but... if you're new to wxWidgets, this may be helpful to you. :)
« Last Edit: March 26, 2006, 10:53:07 pm by squizzz »
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Offline Michael

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Re: A little step by step tutorial, please
« Reply #21 on: March 26, 2006, 10:39:14 pm »
Unfortunately only few first slides work here, at some point it crashes (Opera) or freezes (Firefox) the browser.

I have the same problem here. After 5-6 slides, It freeze firefox and I have to kill the process.

Anyway, it is a nice job :D.

Best wishes,


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Re: A little step by step tutorial, please
« Reply #22 on: March 27, 2006, 05:05:49 pm »
PS. A bit off-topic, but... if you're new to wxWidgets, this may be helpful to you. :)

Thankz squizzz, already had "The Book" :D. I could say that the book took me to C::B.
It may not be the best thing to do, but I was thinking about using only this book to learn the basics of wxWidgets and C++ . Do you think it can be done, or do you have a recomendation of a C++ tutorial to use along? There a lot out there, would like to know your favorite one.
(I have a ANSI C background, programming microcontrollers, for GUI and other stuff on PC side I've used Agilent VEE here at the company.)

Offline squizzz

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Re: A little step by step tutorial, please
« Reply #24 on: March 27, 2006, 06:59:28 pm »
Well, I'm new to wxWidgets myself. :)

And as a resource for learning language I'd prefer good book rather than tutorial(s) (books tend to be complete and comprehensive). The one I used to learn C++ myself is not available in English, I guess. But I heard many positives about Bruce Eckel's book (last link sethjackson posted).

So if you feel uncomfortable with your C++ (ie. you just used plain old C) you might want to spend some time familiarizing with C++ without wxWidgets baggage (using other resource than wxWidgets book).

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