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1.0 revision 2189 - Nightly Build - unicode


I need help with some commands in pre-build step. I am running the MS HTML Help compiler to generate some compiled Help in a pre-build step, and although the compiled help builds perfectly fine, I get an "Process terminated with status 1", and building stops. One can argue the problem is with the Help Compiler, but nonetheless I'm looking for a way to complete the building (without using a bat file, which does work).

The pre-build steps I want to use look like this:

cmd /c if NOT EXIST Help MKDIR Help
cmd /c hhc.exe Help_App.hhp
cmd /c mv Help mgcc\Release

There are a couple of problems, but the main problem is associated with line 2.  Using the above steps, the Build Log is this:

--- Quote ----------------- Build: mingw_Release in Help ---------------
Running target pre-build steps
cmd /c if NOT EXIST Help MKDIR Help
cmd /c hhc.exe Help_App.hhp
Microsoft HTML Help Compiler 4.74.8702
Compiling c:\Dev\VCF\vcf\examples\Help\Help\Help_App.chm
Compile time: 0 minutes, 2 seconds
1   Topic
0   Local links
0   Internet links
0   Graphics
Created c:\Dev\VCF\vcf\examples\Help\Help\Help_App.chm, 11,903 bytes
Compression increased file by 7,763 bytes.
Process terminated with status 1 (0 minutes, 4 seconds)
0 errors, 0 warnings
--- End quote ---

I'm guessing the help compiler is not returning the status it should, perhaps because of the last line about Compression inreased file size (again, the compiled help is just fine). What I am looking for is the syntax that allows me to achieve my goal, but have building continue, and not terminated. I have found an ugly way to do it that uses a START command:

cmd /c "START /WAIT cmd /c hhc.exe Help_App.hhp&&mv Help mgcc\Release"

but this opens up the ugly command window while building the Help.

Is there a way to get Code::Blocks to continue building here, without using START?

I know there was a post about something similar in the last 4 months, but I cannot find it.


you could write a small wrapper program for your application, which always returns 0


--- Code: ---#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

int main()
system ("hhc.exe Help_App.hhp");
return 0;

--- End code ---

and set the target type as "GUI application" in order to get rid of the command-window.

Yes, I once get mad with the Help Compiler because it always returns 1.

The tiwag's solution should work. :)

Hi guys,

Thanks for the solution. I think I will just go ahead and do it through a batch file for right now (I just hate depending on batch files). This is one of about 40 example apps in a SF project, and I don't want to add a whole new app for downloaders to build just to compile some integrated Help for another app. Perhaps I could do this with AngelScript, but I (unfortunately) just haven't found the time to figure it out (at least not yet).

Thanks, and keep up the good work!


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