User forums > Using Code::Blocks

I gave for granted CB (Windows) was portable but...


I always gave for granted C::B was fully portable, in fact I keep in installed in my D:\ partition and I always thought all its files and configs were stored inside its program folder. Evidently this was not the case.
Recently I had to replace my System HD (which just hosts C:/ partition) and to reinstall W10 for maintenance. On resuming my works, I discovered that I lost a lot of C::B settings, including the IDE layout and compiler chain settings !!! What a headache now !!!! How is this ??

Miguel Gimenez:
Read the FAQ:
Where does C::B's configuration file store? How do I make Code::Blocks portable?

Михаил Агарков:
Use CbLauncher.exe

On my Window 10 usage of nightly versions of Code::Blocks via MSYS2's UCRT64 environment, by default configuration data ends up in your AppData\Roaming\CodeBlocks folder. To keep that from happening, I just copy a hand constructed generic version default.conf into my output32_64 or devel32_64 folder before using it for the first time.

While I do not have any experience is using Code::Blocks on non-Windows 10 platforms, configuration data can be some what confusing. I ran into a problem a year or so ago in starting up Code::Blocks. At the time I had more than one nightly full version with all its contributed plugins on my computer at the same time. Obviously with each version contained within a different Windows folder. All of  sudden the SpellChecker.dll failled to initialize on bootup because it could not find its .svg file. It turned out that in stepping through code I had inadvertently invoked the SpellChecker. Doing so had caused Code::Blocks to save what it deamed as appropriate into some files within my C:\Users\YOURNAME\AppData\Roaming\CodeBlocks folder. It turned out it was trying to find that .svg file in an old Code::Blocks folder that predated the switch over to using .svg images and had finally deleted it! I can understand maybe copying dictionary and thesaurus data into AppData, but not the location of where to find SpellChecker's .svg file during Code::Blocks initialization. Good luck.


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