Author Topic: Generation with Pelles C Compiler (Version 12.00.1) failed  (Read 7300 times)

Offline ThierryD

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Re: Generation with Pelles C Compiler (Version 12.00.1) failed
« Reply #15 on: January 15, 2025, 03:55:52 pm »
And to finaly close this "topic" ...

I try today on my second PC (almost clone of my laptop, but hardware not "up to date" after thirteen years "de bons et loyaux services" 'in french !!! , about CB and all compilers C/C++ installed too).
I clone my repository GitHub GLAUX on this, and I use CB (svn-r13598 on W11 64 bits) to generate DLL with PellesC.
At the beginning, most ajustements; to succeed :

Offline ThierryD

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Re: Generation with Pelles C Compiler (Version 12.00.1) failed
« Reply #16 on: January 15, 2025, 04:05:24 pm »
And to finally close this "topic" ...

I try today on my second PC (almost clone of my laptop, but hardware not "up to date" after thirteen years "de bons et loyaux services" 'in french !!! , about CB and all compilers C/C++ installed too).
I clone my repository GitHub GLAUX on this, and I use CB (svn-r13598 on W11 64 bits) to generate DLL with PellesC.
At the beginning, most ajustements, to succeed :
    - no policy defined by default with compiler + linker : add policy "Append target options to project option" ... many times,
    - mandatory add option "/Ze" when use include file "windows.h" (in subtab "Others compilers options") (this option not available in "standard" option of compiler Pelles C because it's a clone of MSVC that don't use this).
At the end, result of generation succeed ... finally.

-------------- Clean: Release PELLES C 64 in GLaux (compiler: Pelles C X64)---------------

Cleaned "GLaux - Release PELLES C 64"

-------------- Build: Release PELLES C 64 in GLaux (compiler: Pelles C X64)---------------

pocc.exe /nologo  /Ze /DBUILD_DLL  -Tx64-coff /D_AMD64_   /IC:\PellesC\include\Win /IC:\PellesC\include /c src\FONT.C /FoobjPELLESC64\Release\src\FONT.obj
pocc.exe /nologo  /Ze /DBUILD_DLL  -Tx64-coff /D_AMD64_   /IC:\PellesC\include\Win /IC:\PellesC\include /c src\GLAUX.C /FoobjPELLESC64\Release\src\GLAUX.obj
pocc.exe /nologo  /Ze /DBUILD_DLL  -Tx64-coff /D_AMD64_   /IC:\PellesC\include\Win /IC:\PellesC\include /c src\IMAGE.C /FoobjPELLESC64\Release\src\IMAGE.obj
pocc.exe /nologo  /Ze /DBUILD_DLL  -Tx64-coff /D_AMD64_   /IC:\PellesC\include\Win /IC:\PellesC\include /c src\SHAPES.C /FoobjPELLESC64\Release\src\SHAPES.obj
pocc.exe /nologo  /Ze /DBUILD_DLL  -Tx64-coff /D_AMD64_   /IC:\PellesC\include\Win /IC:\PellesC\include /c src\TEAPOT.C /FoobjPELLESC64\Release\src\TEAPOT.obj
pocc.exe /nologo  /Ze /DBUILD_DLL  -Tx64-coff /D_AMD64_   /IC:\PellesC\include\Win /IC:\PellesC\include /c src\TK.C /FoobjPELLESC64\Release\src\TK.obj
pocc.exe /nologo  /Ze /DBUILD_DLL  -Tx64-coff /D_AMD64_   /IC:\PellesC\include\Win /IC:\PellesC\include /c src\TKDIB.C /FoobjPELLESC64\Release\src\TKDIB.obj
src\SHAPES.C(598): warning #2229: Local 'x2' is potentially used without being initialized (or using a dangling value).
src\SHAPES.C(598): warning #2229: Local 'x1' is potentially used without being initialized (or using a dangling value).
src\SHAPES.C(598): warning #2229: Local 'x0' is potentially used without being initialized (or using a dangling value).
src\SHAPES.C(645): warning #2117: Old-style function definition for 'initdodec'.
pocc.exe /nologo  /Ze /DBUILD_DLL  -Tx64-coff /D_AMD64_   /IC:\PellesC\include\Win /IC:\PellesC\include /c src\TKFONT.C /FoobjPELLESC64\Release\src\TKFONT.obj
src\TEAPOT.C(76): warning #2215: Conversion from 'double' to 'float'; possible loss of data or unexpected result.
src\TEAPOT.C(76): warning #2215: Conversion from 'double' to 'float'; possible loss of data or unexpected result.
src\TEAPOT.C(76): warning #2215: Conversion from 'double' to 'float'; possible loss of data or unexpected result.
src\TEAPOT.C(123): warning #2215: Conversion from 'double' to 'float'; possible loss of data or unexpected result.
src\TEAPOT.C(123): warning #2215: Conversion from 'double' to 'float'; possible loss of data or unexpected result.
src\TEAPOT.C(123): warning #2215: Conversion from 'double' to 'float'; possible loss of data or unexpected result.
pocc.exe /nologo  /Ze /DBUILD_DLL  -Tx64-coff /D_AMD64_   /IC:\PellesC\include\Win /IC:\PellesC\include /c src\TKIMAGE.C /FoobjPELLESC64\Release\src\TKIMAGE.obj
src\TKDIB.C(410): warning #2229: Local 'pvBitsFile' is potentially used without being initialized (or using a dangling value).
src\TKDIB.C(345): warning #2229: Local 'pvBitsFile' is potentially used without being initialized (or using a dangling value).
src\TKDIB.C(302): warning #2229: Local 'pvBitsFile' is potentially used without being initialized (or using a dangling value).
pocc.exe /nologo  /Ze /DBUILD_DLL  -Tx64-coff /D_AMD64_   /IC:\PellesC\include\Win /IC:\PellesC\include /c src\VECT3D.C /FoobjPELLESC64\Release\src\VECT3D.obj
src\TKIMAGE.C(134): warning #2215: Conversion from 'unsigned long long int' to 'int'; possible loss of data or unexpected result.
pocc.exe /nologo  /Ze /DBUILD_DLL  -Tx64-coff /D_AMD64_   /IC:\PellesC\include\Win /IC:\PellesC\include /c src\XFORM.C /FoobjPELLESC64\Release\src\XFORM.obj
polink.exe /dll /nologo /LIBPATH:C:\PellesC\lib\Win64 /LIBPATH:C:\PellesC\lib /out:binPELLESC64\Release\Glaux.dll glu32.lib opengl32.lib gdi32.lib winmm.lib advapi32.lib user32.lib kernel32.lib objPELLESC64\Release\src\FONT.obj objPELLESC64\Release\src\GLAUX.obj objPELLESC64\Release\src\IMAGE.obj objPELLESC64\Release\src\SHAPES.obj objPELLESC64\Release\src\TEAPOT.obj objPELLESC64\Release\src\TK.obj objPELLESC64\Release\src\TKDIB.obj objPELLESC64\Release\src\TKFONT.obj objPELLESC64\Release\src\TKIMAGE.obj objPELLESC64\Release\src\VECT3D.obj objPELLESC64\Release\src\XFORM.obj  /MACHINE:X64
src\TK.C(580): warning #2241: The function 'GetVersionExA' is marked as deprecated.
src\TK.C(1354): warning #2215: Conversion from 'long long int' to 'long int'; possible loss of data or unexpected result.
src\TK.C(1659): warning #2215: Conversion from 'int' to 'unsigned char'; possible loss of data or unexpected result.
src\TK.C(1826): warning #2229: Local 'iMinEntry' is potentially used without being initialized (or using a dangling value).
src\TK.C(1825): warning #2229: Local 'iMinEntry' is potentially used without being initialized (or using a dangling value).
src\TK.C(1965): warning #2215: Conversion from 'unsigned int' to 'unsigned short int'; possible loss of data or unexpected result.
src\TK.C(2015): warning #2215: Conversion from 'unsigned int' to 'unsigned short int'; possible loss of data or unexpected result.
src\TK.C(2044): warning #2238: Array index '255' is out-of-bounds for 'PALETTEENTRY (aka struct tagPALETTEENTRY) [1]'.
src\TK.C(2045): warning #2238: Array index '255' is out-of-bounds for 'PALETTEENTRY (aka struct tagPALETTEENTRY) [1]'.
src\TK.C(2046): warning #2238: Array index '255' is out-of-bounds for 'PALETTEENTRY (aka struct tagPALETTEENTRY) [1]'.
src\TK.C(2049): warning #2238: Array index '255' is out-of-bounds for 'PALETTEENTRY (aka struct tagPALETTEENTRY) [1]'.
src\TK.C(2442): warning #2116: Local 'hStock' is used without being initialized (or using a dangling value).
src\TK.C(2441): warning #2116: Local 'hStock' is used without being initialized (or using a dangling value).
src\TKFONT.C(13655): warning #2116: Local 'mode' is used without being initialized (or using a dangling value).
src\TKFONT.C(13651): warning #2116: Local 'mode' is used without being initialized (or using a dangling value).
src\TKFONT.C(13648): warning #2116: Local 'mode' is used without being initialized (or using a dangling value).
src\TKFONT.C(13644): warning #2116: Local 'mode' is used without being initialized (or using a dangling value).
src\TKFONT.C(13643): warning #2116: Local 'mode' is used without being initialized (or using a dangling value).
src\TKFONT.C(13684): warning #2116: Local 'mode' is used without being initialized (or using a dangling value).
src\TKFONT.C(13680): warning #2116: Local 'mode' is used without being initialized (or using a dangling value).
src\TKFONT.C(13677): warning #2116: Local 'mode' is used without being initialized (or using a dangling value).
src\TKFONT.C(13673): warning #2116: Local 'mode' is used without being initialized (or using a dangling value).
src\TKFONT.C(13672): warning #2116: Local 'mode' is used without being initialized (or using a dangling value).
src\TKFONT.C(13713): warning #2116: Local 'mode' is used without being initialized (or using a dangling value).
src\TKFONT.C(13709): warning #2116: Local 'mode' is used without being initialized (or using a dangling value).
src\TKFONT.C(13706): warning #2116: Local 'mode' is used without being initialized (or using a dangling value).
src\TKFONT.C(13702): warning #2116: Local 'mode' is used without being initialized (or using a dangling value).
src\TKFONT.C(13701): warning #2116: Local 'mode' is used without being initialized (or using a dangling value).
Creating object: binPELLESC64\Release\Glaux.exp
Creating library: binPELLESC64\Release\Glaux.lib
Output file is binPELLESC64\Release\Glaux.dll with size 1.04 MB
Process terminated with status 0 (0 minute(s), 3 second(s))
0 error(s), 42 warning(s) (0 minute(s), 3 second(s))
Build log saved as:

Conclusion : initial problem with Pelles C exist only on my laptop.

Sorry, I had must tested before on my fix PC before to open tyhis topic.

Thank you ... for your time.



Offline ThierryD

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Re: Generation with Pelles C Compiler (Version 12.00.1) failed
« Reply #17 on: January 31, 2025, 06:01:40 pm »

After many researchs, conclusion is : bug identified into Pelles C Compiler on ... Windows 11 24H2 64 bit (last version) .... not into CB ...
Acces to "new" NTDLL with executable "pocc" provoke crash and minidump ...

Simple test below into command console :



My precedent test has been :

pocc | grep Version


Stupid, no ?

Sorry for time spent and thank's for your attention. You can close this "irrelevant" topic definitively.


Offline Miguel Gimenez

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Re: Generation with Pelles C Compiler (Version 12.00.1) failed
« Reply #18 on: January 31, 2025, 07:05:19 pm »
Thank you for reporting