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Show GIT version on my application
I would like to show the gitversion of my repo on my applications.
The idea is to generate a version.h file containing the git information like this
Is there a way to retrive the gitversion info and generate the version.h file during the project build?
Miguel Gimenez:
Add a script doing that to the prebuild steps (in project options).
This is the batch(GenerateHash.cmd) code I used to generate a hash source file, I used it for many years.
I used it as a pre-build steps in the Code::Blocks' project build options.
The source file(version.cpp) has some contents like below:
--- Code: ---const char* GITHASH="971ec0e821a9dd008c785a9b53e030e939dfef00";
--- End code ---
Then you can link the version.cpp in your project.
In the pre build step, I wrote
--- Code: ---cmd /c GenerateHash.cmd
--- End code ---
Here is the content of the batch file:
--- Code: ---@echo off
REM a way to get the command line response from the git command
REM windows batch (bat, cmd) - How to set command output to variable
for /f %%i in ('git rev-parse HEAD') do set VARIABLE=%%i
REM some special characters should be escaped
If not exist version.cpp (
echo const char* GITHASH=^"%VARIABLE%^"^; > version.cpp
goto EndOfFile
echo const char* GITHASH=^"%VARIABLE%^"^; > temp.version.cpp
REM echo abc>a.txt
REM echo abc1>b.txt
REM compare the two files using the FC command
REM FC - file compare - Windows CMD -
FC version.cpp temp.version.cpp >NUL
REM the two files are the same
echo "Same commit hash, no need to update version.cpp"
goto EndOfFile
) ELSE (
REM something different, update the version.h file with new hash
copy temp.version.cpp version.cpp
echo "New commit hash found, version.cpp updated"
--- End code ---
When the hash value changes(I'm using a compare command "FC" to compare the hash strings), I need to update the version.cpp file.
Ok I managed to set the pre-build steps to run a python script that I already use to retrive the git version and write on a version.h file.
Thank you for your help
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