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build bot in the github, I see one nice project

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--- Quote from: Grit Clef on August 18, 2024, 05:50:48 am ---Release updated: with a complete codeblocks of both 32bit and 64bit version.

--- End quote ---

Nice work!!!

Now, the new site is:

I have forked the project, and enabled the github action, and I manually start a build action runner for the 64bit C::B.

See here:

It looks like the build is successful. When I download the result file, in github, it is called Artifacts, named ""

I download the zip file, and extract it in my computer, it looks like the structure is like "Linux file system", here is the structure:

--- Code: ---# tree
├── bin
│   ├── cb_console_runner.exe
│   ├── cb_share_config.exe
│   ├── codeblocks.exe
│   ├── libcodeblocks-0.dll
│   ├── libwxchartctrl-0.dll
│   ├── libwxcustombutton-0.dll
│   ├── libwxflatnotebook-0.dll
│   ├── libwximagepanel-0.dll
│   ├── libwxkwic-0.dll
│   ├── libwxled-0.dll
│   ├── libwxmathplot-0.dll
│   ├── libwxsmithlib.dll
│   └── libwxspeedbutton-0.dll
├── include
│   ├── codeblocks
│   │   ├── annoyingdialog.h
│   │   ├── autodetectcompilers.h
│   │   ├── backgroundthread.h
│   │   ├── base64.h
│   │   ├── blockallocated.h
│   │   ├── cbart_provider.h
│   │   ├── cbauibook.h
│   │   ├── cbcolourmanager.h
│   │   ├── cbdebugger_interfaces.h

--- End code ---

I think we need a tool named "copy dependency", I mean we need a tool to copy all the dependency dlls to the bin folder.

This tool could be used: brechtsanders/pedeps: Cross-platform C library to read data from PE/PE+ files (the format of Windows .exe and .dll files)

Another issue is that we don't need the "include" folders.

Also, I think the file structure could be like "Windows" system? I mean there is a share folder in the same folder of the codeblocks.exe.

[History for mingw-w64-codeblocks - msys2/MINGW-packages](

I just looked at the change log for the msys2's codeblocks code changes, they have just enabled the wxSmith 3 days ago.

Also, they have another commit to move the dll files.

Grit Clef:
I'm working on making a Windows-style build; i.e. build cb using cb through cmdline
It may be not needed to copy those dependencies; users can install those packages through pacman.


--- Quote from: Grit Clef on August 19, 2024, 12:10:36 pm ---I'm working on making a Windows-style build; i.e. build cb using cb through cmdline.

--- End quote ---

I'm not sure whether the codeblocks.exe could run in pure "command line mode". Hopefully it could.


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