Bugs I have found in MSys2 MINGW packages mainly under UCRT64 or MINGW64 MSys2 environments.
These are bugs that are not MSys2 MINGW packaging caused.
1. Warning on installing cbplugin file
MSys2 MINGW packaging uses configure/make to build the package and this bug likely only exists under Windows with configure/make builds.
Edit link to SF ticket
https://sourceforge.net/p/codeblocks/tickets/1497/Fix below
--- a/src/sdk/configmanager.cpp (revision 13538)
+++ b/src/sdk/configmanager.cpp (working copy)
@@ -1497,7 +1497,7 @@
if (plugin_path_global.IsEmpty())
if (platform::windows)
- ConfigManager::plugin_path_global = app_path + _T("/../lib/codeblocks/plugins");
+ ConfigManager::plugin_path_global = app_path + _T("\\..\\lib\\codeblocks\\plugins");
else if (platform::macosx)
ConfigManager::plugin_path_global = data_path_global + _T("/plugins");
2. MSys2 MINGW32 has build error. I have no idea why MINGW64 and UCRT64 does not have this error.
MSys2 MINGW packaging uses configure/make to build the package and this bug likely only exists under Windows with configure/make builds.
Link to ticket
https://sourceforge.net/p/codeblocks/tickets/1498/See also
https://github.com/msys2/MINGW-packages/issues/20922 there might already be a ticket for this issue
--- a/src/src/Makefile.am (revision 13539)
+++ b/src/src/Makefile.am (working copy)
@@ -75,7 +75,7 @@
codeblocks_DEPENDENCIES = resources.$(OBJEXT)
codeblocks_SOURCES += associations.cpp
resources.$(OBJEXT): resources/resources.rc resources/amd64_dpi_aware_on.manifest
- $(WINDRES) $(WX_CXXFLAGS) -DcbDPI_AWARE_ON --include-dir $(top_srcdir)/src $< $@
+ $(WINDRES) $(WX_CPPFLAGS) -DcbDPI_AWARE_ON --include-dir $(top_srcdir)/src $< $@
noinst_HEADERS = app.h \
Tim S.